Your Spiritual Guide

Apr 4, 20225 min

Do chakra healing and kundalini meditation help in curing diseases?

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

In this post, I will discuss the relationship between chakras and healing, and also how kundalini meditation might help in curing diseases.

Energy healing

You can look at prana or chi energy as tiny streams of energy that flow along with the nervous system throughout the entire body. Along this complex system, there are “points of control” called by ancient Hindus chakras who act as in/output energy gates between the outside energies and the internal body energy system. They have multiple functions, but the main ones are to adapt the amount of prana needed by the body organs, shift the energy vibration according to needs, and feed the body organs around with the much needed energy so they function properly. Kundalini energy is also prana or chi energy, it’s just that it is located in the root chakra, which is the main chakra that acts as a gate for Earth’s energy entering our body and maintain it.

An injury that sections a limb for instance takes away the nervous local system aligned with the prana flow and obviously affects also the related prana flow who was in symbiosis with it by design. You see, the nervous system is a projection in lower vibration of the prana system flow which runs in a higher vibration (dimension) that we cannot see but certainly we feel it.

Even so, after the limb is lost the prana still flows for a time in a certain degree along the same trajectory that used to feed that limb … It’s quite well known that amputees still feel for a time afterward the lost limb.

To normalize the prana flow is a subject in its own right and the subject of a proper school of energy. One of the best means that can help in some degree an average person in such cases is Chinese acupuncture and related chinese arts. It’s true that this way it helps the Effects, the energy distortions in the body energies and doesn’t fix the Causes.

Another point is that healing is very much dependent on the body vibration of that person. If it’s the normal average body vibration (3.5D – on chakra scale) healing using acupuncture and other related techniques can take in weeks, months and years, or even never …. If the patient has a much higher body vibration like in 4.5D he reached by spiritual growth, then it takes just days to weeks. If it’s a very high body vibration close to physical ascension (5.0D) the same procedures heal it in minutes to just days …

The lower the body vibration the lower the prana flow speed; the higher the body vibration the higher the prana flow and results appear faster obviously, it’s just basic Physics of Creation.

If one has already a grave disease like cancer for instance, then he should first go to an official MD and follow the medical treatment prescribed.

Any energy treatment takes time, the bodies here in 3D are very dense and the energy access the spirituals have to prana/chi is quite low … The denser a body is the larger quantities of energy one needs to have access to in order to change / heal the body.

Majority of people have no idea actually how much energy a usual human body hosts in terms of prana so to sustain its current physical shape, organs, mechanisms, and so on, so that it functions properly. They watch Hollywood religious or sword & sorcery movies and think that when they see the wizard Gandalf doing some of his magic tricks and heal in 5sec a dying man that’s also true in reality :)

I advise you not to think you are Buddha or alike and try to treat yourself or others just by prana/chi or you risk to get into quite a lot of trouble … be humble and acknowledge your limits.

While mainstream medicine acts much quicker on diseases, it also has secondary effects since its acts only on the effects of a disease. Actually, also energy treatment in majority also do the same, like Chinese medicine and reiki for instance.

Chakra healing and chakra balancing

Due to the limiting beliefs we keep in our subconscious, the energy flow is many times distorted and obstructions start to occur. Many of these clogs occur at the level of the main chakras, in which case the energy flow is obstructed and energy doesn’t reach the body organs as it was supposed to. Therefore the organs are depleted of energy and in time start to malfunction and a disease is declared. Only then mainstream medicine offcialy acknowledges the illness and starts a treatment on the disease which is an effect. Problem is that without also dealing with the causes ie limiting beliefs, even when curing the effects (disease) the causes still continue to feed the disease which can return in time or migrate in other parts of the body.

By doing chakra balancing we can normalize the prana flow in us so to keep our health. If the chakras are already obstructed, then we can apply specific procedures to for chakra healing, and I recommend in the same time to work on the limiting beliefs by releasing them so to eradicate the causes.

Generally speaking, you can apply energy procedures for healing in 2 main situations concerning grave illnesses like cancer for instance:

  1. If a patient follows the usual official medical treatment, then in parallel an adequate energy treatment can alleviate secondary effects of drugs, the mental suffering, etc. and truly hasten the healing process … I’ve seen this in many cases.

  2. When medicine gave up to a terminal patient and sent him home telling him he’s got only a few months to live, then obviously everything should be tried including energy treatments. I’ve seen such cases where patients declared hopeless by medicine were saved by some special meditations, diet, and energy procedures.

Different meditations and healing procedures have very different healing effects, and might be effective for some illnesses and ineffective for others. Only experienced and trained spiritual healers and energy healers should give advice on this.

The healing very much depends on:

1. The trust the patient has in the treatment and the healer, or else he might even oppose internally to it even if he formally follows the treatment …

2. The type of person the patient is, e.g. more fire personality, more earth, etc. For the same illness different treatments are needed for different personalities.

3. The treatment needs to be supported by the Active participation of the patient, for instance by doing meditations and humbly acknowledging the Reason for having cancer, which is generally an old and deep negative belief he harbors for a good number of years. An illness is a strong Warning signal to a person he went adrift for quite long time from his correct destiny Path … If he doesn’t understand this, then even if for a period a treatment looks like getting results, in time the illness will return, or another grave issue will hit the patient; I followed personally several cases like these over years…

4. Wrong energy procedures like a kundalini stirring done by some kundalini procedures can even accelerate the disease and lead to a patient demise before his time, so be very sure what kind of spiritual/energy procedures you apply and if they are adequate. Don’t treat yourself from spiritual/healing books, or appeal to charlatans who are self-proclaimed “shamans”, you need to check them out beforehand.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.
