Your Spiritual Guide

Sep 7, 20208 min

How to avoid energy head pressure and dizziness when meditating

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace and self-awareness. However, some individuals may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as energy head pressure, and dizziness during their meditation practice. These sensations can disrupt the process and discourage further exploration.

Most spiritual schools emphasize meditation as a primary way of connecting a person's soul with God or with other higher entities such as saints, or to know oneself in an attempt to discover one's destiny in this life, or to uncover the causes of events in his life, as well as other purposes. To achieve these noble goals we first must go through the steps of "immersion" into the higher vibrations/frequencies of energy, to open our access to the vibrations of higher dimensions.

Meditation and its true purpose

To do this we first must detach or distance ourselves from the lower vibrations both within ourselves and around us.

For this purpose, deep breathing procedures are practiced, or focusing on beautiful and soothing images in our memory, on the repetition of all kinds of mantras like "Hare Krishna" or "OM" or others, or using spiritual music, hitting Tibetan gongs, and many other.

If we manage to diligently follow these techniques to distance ourselves from lower vibrations, we can achieve a state of inner peace, calm, and the ability for inner focus, which brings us a personal benefit by releasing stress for example. For this purpose, meditation procedures for beginners are often used, such as TM and Mindfulness meditations, which are now widely used throughout the world by spirituals.

Energy pressure in the head, kundalini awakening

The problem with this kind of beginner meditation is that I found that many spirituals use them for years and even decades, even to the end of their lives, without realizing that they are ultimately for beginners. Some practitioners even imagine that they can reach or have already become enlightened by practicing these types of meditation.

One of the issues with these beginner meditations is that they emphasize the use of the upper chakras, which is a normal thing for a beginner in meditation, but it is no longer normal if he insists on it in the long run.

Head pressure and dizziness anxiety

When a spiritual engages in diligent and meditative practices, the upper chakras will gradually open, enabling a significant increase in pranic energy intake, or the absorption of higher energy. This influx of prana is predominantly directed towards the higher subtle bodies, beyond the confines of the physical form. Though generally beneficial, the absence of a balanced energetic equilibrium within the body can give rise to complications over time.

The consistent application of these meditation techniques can lead to an accumulation of intense energy within the head region. This energy can exert an increasing amount of pressure on the delicate subtle energy fields governing brain function, inducing symptoms such as head and neck pressure, vertigo, memory loss, dizziness, and overall malaise.

Medical intervention often falls short in providing relief, as conventional diagnostic tools are unable to detect the high-frequency energy signatures that are the root cause of these symptoms. As a result, practitioners may misdiagnose these physical manifestations as purely psychological and refer the individual to a psychiatrist or a psychologist. These specialists, in turn, may prescribe medication that could potentially exacerbate the patient's condition.

Another aspect is that in the contemporary spiritual milieu, it's not uncommon for individuals experiencing these symptoms to misinterpret them as signs of a "failed kundalini awakening" blaming their misfortune when in reality their suffering is a result of their lack of understanding of the phenomenon.

Through my direct research of the body's subtle energies, I found that the physical body's well-being is heavily dependent on the higher subtle energy bodies which feed with energy the physical body. Illness is often precipitated by distortions within these subtle energies, which subsequently impact the physical body. It is only then that individuals typically seek medical help. Within my practice of soul reading and body energy field analysis, I have encountered an increasing number of individuals — many of them long-time spiritual practitioners — exhibiting significant imbalances between the subtle energy fields of their higher and lower bodies.

During my research into the energies, I have discerned a substantial energy rift between the higher and lower energy planes. This rift prevents the excess energy accumulated in the head region from being efficiently discharged through the body's energy channels and grounded. The human body is designed to act as a conduit between cosmic energies and terrestrial energies. Any blockages, such as those found in the chakras, can disrupt this energy flow and consequently lead to illness. These processes are part of the basic physical mechanics of Creation.

These rifts or fractures manifest as blockages that hinder the normal energy flow within the body. As a result, energy tends to stagnate in the head region of the spiritual practitioner. Over time, as this energy pool intensifies so does the pressure and dizziness, significantly impacting the individual's well-being. It is essential to understand these dynamics to maintain the balance and health of both the physical and subtle bodies.

Therefore, the spiritual meaning of dizziness is about the ignorance of these subtle energy mechanics in our bodies. The dizziness spiritual meaning is also about the limiting beliefs that caused this energy rift between different chakras in our body.  

Ways to avoid head pressure and dizziness

Some effective strategies to avoid energy head pressure and dizziness, or kundalini head pressure as it is also called, are the following:

  1. Establish a Solid Foundation: Before diving into advanced meditation techniques, it is crucial to establish a solid foundation. The key to avoiding energy head pressure and dizziness lies in gradually building your meditation practice. Begin by developing a consistent routine, setting aside dedicated time for meditation each day. Start with shorter durations, perhaps five to ten minutes, and gradually increase the duration over time. By allowing your mind and body to adapt gradually, you reduce the likelihood of overwhelming energy sensations.

  2. Grounding Techniques: Grounding is the practice of connecting with the Earth's energy and stabilizing your own energy system. Incorporating grounding techniques into your meditation routine is crucial to alleviate head pressure and dizziness. One effective method is visualizing roots extending from the soles of your feet or the base of your spine, reaching deep into the ground. These roots anchor you, providing stability and balance. Another grounding technique involves consciously focusing on your connection to the present moment, using your breath as an anchor. By grounding yourself, you create a strong foundation for your meditation practice, reducing the risk of energy imbalances.

  3. Breath Control: Proper breath control is essential for balancing energy flow during meditation. When you experience head pressure or dizziness, it often indicates an imbalance in the flow of energy. By consciously controlling your breath, you can regulate the oxygen intake, calm the nervous system, and restore equilibrium. Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the inhale and exhale. Allow your breath to flow naturally and rhythmically, bringing a sense of harmony to your entire being. Engaging in pranayama exercises, such as alternate nostril breathing, can further enhance energy balance by clearing any blockages in the energy channels.

  4. Posture Alignment: Maintaining a proper posture during meditation is critical for optimizing energy flow. Sit with your spine erect, shoulders relaxed, and chin slightly tucked in. This alignment ensures an unobstructed flow of energy through the body, preventing energy stagnation that may lead to head pressure and dizziness. Your posture acts as a conduit, allowing the energy to move freely and harmoniously throughout your being. Additionally, using a supportive cushion or chair can assist in maintaining a comfortable and aligned posture throughout your practice, further enhancing the flow of energy.

  5. Gradual Expansion of Consciousness: During meditation, it is common to experience expanded states of consciousness. However, abrupt shifts in awareness can sometimes trigger energy imbalances, leading to head pressure and dizziness. To avoid this, aim for a gradual expansion of consciousness. Begin your meditation by focusing on your breath, bodily sensations, or a specific point of concentration. As you become more comfortable and centered, gently expand your awareness to include a broader scope. This gradual approach allows your energy system to adapt and integrate the changes smoothly, minimizing the risk of discomfort.

  6. Energetic Protection: As you delve deeper into meditation, it is essential to protect your energetic space. Negativity or energetic disturbances from external sources can contribute to head pressure and dizziness. Before beginning your practice, visualize a protective shield surrounding you. Envision this shield as a radiant barrier that filters out unwanted energies, allowing only positive and harmonious energy to enter your space. This practice not only safeguards your meditation space but also helps you stay centered and focused. By consciously setting energetic boundaries, you create a conducive environment for a balanced and harmonious meditation experience.

  7. Seek Guidance and Support: If you consistently experience head pressure and dizziness during meditation despite implementing the above strategies, it may be helpful to seek guidance from an experienced meditation teacher or energy healer. These professionals possess the knowledge and expertise to identify any underlying energetic imbalances or blockages that may be hindering your progress. They can provide personalized advice and techniques tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to overcome these challenges and deepen your meditation practice. Embracing the guidance and support of a knowledgeable mentor can make a significant difference in your journey toward mastering energy flow in meditation.

  8. Consistency and Patience: Consistency and patience are essential virtues when it comes to overcoming energy head pressure and dizziness during meditation. Rome wasn't built in a day, and similarly, mastering the intricate dynamics of energy flow requires time and commitment. Embrace a regular meditation practice, even on days when you may not feel as motivated or when discomfort arises. Through consistent effort, you allow your mind and body to adapt and find balance. Trust in the process and have patience with yourself, knowing that each session contributes to your growth and progress.

  9. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Developing self-reflection and heightened awareness are crucial aspects of your meditation journey. Pay attention to your body's signals and subtle energetic shifts during your practice. If you start to feel head pressure or dizziness, take a moment to pause and assess what may be contributing to these sensations. Is your breath shallow? Are you holding tension in your body? By cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness, you can make the necessary adjustments to restore energetic balance and alleviate discomfort. Self-reflection also enables you to identify any patterns or triggers that may be causing head pressure and dizziness, empowering you to address them effectively.

There are also specific methods to relieve head pressure when one is in a head pressure crisis, while the ones I showed here are the main strategies that work in the medium and long term and will spare you from having to deal with such head pressure and dizziness crises along your spiritual practice.


To avoid such spiritual headaches, I strongly suggest a spiritual beginner seek assistance from a competent spiritual guide, or even better join a true spiritual school that can give him feedback and support him if he runs into troubles like these that affect his quality of life and even his health ultimately.

Playing the lone wolf in spirituality might sound exciting for some, but it also can attract trouble.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.
