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How to avoid kundalini head pressure and dizziness when meditating

Updated: May 27

Meditation is a great way to find inner peace and become more self-aware. But sometimes, people might feel uncomfortable sensations like head pressure or dizziness while meditating. These feelings can make it hard to continue and might even put them off from meditating again.

Many spiritual traditions see meditation as a key method for connecting with God, higher beings like saints, or discovering one's true self and life purpose. To reach these lofty goals, we often need to "immerse" ourselves in higher energy vibrations or frequencies to access higher dimensions.

Meditation and its true purpose

To achieve this, we first need to distance ourselves from negative energies both inside us and around us.

We can do this by practicing deep breathing exercises, focusing on beautiful and calming memories, repeating mantras like "Hare Krishna" or "OM," listening to spiritual music, playing Tibetan gongs, and more.

By consistently using these techniques to distance ourselves from negative vibes, we can reach a state of inner peace and calm. This helps us focus inward and can relieve stress. Beginners often use meditation practices like TM and Mindfulness, which are popular worldwide among spiritual folks.

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Energy pressure in the head, kundalini awakening

The issue with beginner meditation is that many people stick to it for years, even their whole lives, without realizing it's meant for beginners. Some even think they're reaching enlightenment through these practices.

One problem with these beginner meditations is they focus on the upper chakras, which is fine for starters, but not ideal if you keep doing it long-term.

The Causes of Kundalini Head pressure and dizziness anxiety

What I learned by checking on the energy bodies of many long-term meditators, is that if someone practices meditation and spiritual exercises consistently, their upper chakras start to open up, allowing them to take in more pranic energy, or higher energy. This energy mainly goes to the higher subtle bodies, beyond just the physical body. While this is usually a good thing, if the energy balance in the body isn’t maintained, it can cause problems over time.

Regular practice can lead to a buildup of intense energy in the head area. This can put pressure on the subtle energy fields that affect brain function, causing symptoms like head and neck pressure, dizziness, memory issues, and a general feeling of being unwell. Medical treatments often don't help because standard diagnostic tools can't pick up the high-frequency energy signatures causing these symptoms of spiritual headaches. This can lead doctors to mistakenly think the issues are purely psychological and refer the person to a psychiatrist or psychologist. These specialists might then prescribe meds that could actually make things worse.

These days, it's pretty common for spirituals to mistake certain symptoms as signs of a "failed kundalini awakening," blaming their bad luck. But really, their issues often stem from not fully understanding what's going on.

In my research into the body's subtle energies, I've found that our physical health is closely tied to these higher-energy bodies that supply energy to our physical form. When these subtle energies get out of whack, it can lead to physical illness. It's usually at this point that people turn to medical help. In my work with soul reading and analyzing body energy fields, I've noticed more and more people, including long-time spiritual practitioners, showing major imbalances between their higher and lower energy fields.

While researching energy dynamics, I've noticed a significant gap between higher and lower energy planes. This gap stops the excess energy in the head from being properly discharged through the body's energy channels and grounded. Our bodies are meant to be conduits for cosmic and earthly energies. Any blockages, like those in the chakras, can mess up this flow and lead to health issues. These are basic principles of how Creation works.

These gaps or fractures create blockages that disrupt normal energy flow in the body, causing energy to get stuck in the head for spiritual practitioners. Over time, this buildup increases pressure and dizziness, affecting overall well-being. Understanding these dynamics is key to keeping both our physical and subtle bodies balanced and healthy.

So, the spiritual meaning of dizziness relates to ignoring these subtle energy mechanics in our bodies. It also points to the limiting beliefs that create energy rifts between different chakras.

Ways to avoid head pressure and dizziness

Here are some helpful tips to prevent energy head pressure or spiritual headache and dizziness, or what's often referred to as kundalini head pressure:

  1. Establish a Solid Foundation: Before jumping into advanced meditation techniques, it's important to build a strong foundation first. To avoid feeling pressure in your head or getting dizzy, you should gradually ease into your meditation practice. Start by creating a consistent routine and set aside some time each day for meditating. Begin with short sessions, like five to ten minutes, and slowly increase the time as you go. This way, you let your mind and body get used to it, reducing the chances of experiencing intense energy sensations.

  2. Grounding Techniques: Grounding is all about connecting with the Earth's energy to stabilize your own. Adding grounding techniques to your meditation routine is key for easing head pressure and dizziness. One way to do this is by picturing roots growing from your feet or spine, reaching deep into the Earth to anchor you. Another method is to focus on the present moment, using your breath as a guide. Grounding helps you build a solid foundation for meditation, reducing the chances of energy imbalances.

  3. Breath Control: Good breath control is key for balancing your energy during meditation. If you feel head pressure or dizziness, it usually means your energy flow is off. By consciously managing your breath, you can regulate oxygen intake, calm your nerves, and find balance again. Take slow, deep breaths, paying attention to each inhale and exhale. Let your breath move naturally and rhythmically to bring harmony to your whole self. Practicing pranayama exercises, like alternate nostril breathing, can also help balance your energy by clearing any blockages in your energy channels.

  4. Posture Alignment: Keeping good posture while meditating is super important for the best energy flow. Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and chin slightly tucked. This way, energy can move through your body without any blocks, avoiding head pressure and dizziness. Think of your posture as a pathway for energy to flow smoothly. Plus, using a comfy cushion or chair can help you stay aligned and relaxed, boosting that energy flow even more.

  5. Gradual Expansion of Consciousness: When meditating, it's pretty normal to feel your consciousness expanding. But if your awareness shifts too quickly, it might cause energy imbalances, leading to head pressure or dizziness. To prevent this, try to expand your consciousness gradually. Start your meditation by focusing on your breath, your body, or a specific point. As you get more comfortable and centered, slowly broaden your awareness. This step-by-step method helps your energy system adjust and integrate the changes smoothly, reducing any chances of discomfort.

  6. Energetic Protection: As you get more into meditation, it's super important to protect your energy. Negative vibes or disturbances from outside can cause head pressure and dizziness. Before you start meditating, imagine a protective shield around you. Picture this shield as a glowing barrier that keeps out unwanted energy, letting only positive vibes in. This not only protects your meditation space but also helps you stay centered and focused. By setting these energetic boundaries, you create a perfect environment for a balanced and peaceful meditation session.

  7. Seek Guidance and Support: If you keep feeling head pressure and dizziness during meditation even after trying the suggested tips, it might be a good idea to get help from an experienced meditation teacher or energy healer. These experts can identify any energy imbalances or blockages that could be causing the issue. They can offer personalized advice and techniques that suit your needs, helping you overcome these challenges and improve your meditation practice. Having a knowledgeable mentor can really make a difference in mastering energy flow during meditation.

  8. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Building self-reflection and awareness is super important in your meditation journey. Tune into your body's signals and the subtle energy changes during your practice. If you feel head pressure or dizziness, take a break and figure out what might be causing it. Is your breathing shallow? Are you holding tension somewhere? By becoming more self-aware, you can make the tweaks needed to balance your energy and feel better. Self-reflection also enables you to identify any patterns or triggers that may be causing head pressure and dizziness, empowering you to address them effectively.

There are also specific methods to relieve head pressure when one is in a head pressure crisis, while the ones I showed here are the main strategies that work in the medium and long term and will spare you from having to deal with such head pressure and dizziness crises along your spiritual practice.


To dodge those kundalini headaches, I'd really recommend that beginners get help from a skilled spiritual guide. Even better, join a legit spiritual school that can offer feedback and support if any issues come up that mess with your life or health.

Going solo in spirituality might seem thrilling to some, but it can also bring about problems.



You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.



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