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Spiritual school of "body & soul ascension mastery"

        The Spiritual School of Body & Soul Ascension Mastery is designed on 13 levels of spiritual knowledge and practice, that aim to raise both your soul and body vibration, give you an overall high understanding of this universe and Creation, balance the masculine and feminine aspects in you, clean your body of energy impurities and your soul of separation tendencies, make you merge with Creation's energies around, give you the ability to make energy transfers to yourself and others persons as well in order to help, to assist you in healing by helping you release your limiting beliefs, to support you on your path leading to Enlightenment. 

Who is the audience

  • The ones that start to feel there’s something else beyond what the 5 senses show us

  • The ones unhappy with what religions offered them

  • The ones who crave to understand why they came into existence, why now, why on this planet.

  • The ones that wish to understand the relation between soul and body, how they work together, what really lies behind all sorts of sacred ancient terms like “Kundalini”, about their relationship with Earth, sun, energies around and how they can manage them, etc.

  • The ones who wish to know what is destiny, what’s their relation with it, and how they can find their best version of it

  • Persons that search for tools that allow them to carve knowingly their ascension path through this life, but without leaving their jobs and businesses

  • Those who are tired of terms in ancient exotic languages like Sanskrit who belong to very foreign cultures, and especially to very different consciousness levels of ancient times than the current one.

  • Those who are tired of mysticism, of New Age vague concepts with very few concrete things to apply, and aim to get results.

You find below the course agenda covering both sacred Knowledge and divine Energy, which take you through ever-increasing spiritual ascension levels.

Level 1 Course - Summary

  1. Introduction

  2. The Journey of Humanity in Creation

  3. Religions and spiritual schools, issues

  4. What is Creation, its structure

  5. Who’s God

  6. The Universal laws and how they impact us

  7. Consciousness and Awareness

  8. Breathing techniques, exercise

  9. What is the soul vibration

  10. How does a soul learn

  11. What is the body vibration 

  12. Chakras - role, functions

  13. Beliefs and subconscious

  14. What’s Destiny

  15. Chakras opening, initiation

  16. What are Wishes and Attachments

  17. Humbleness, Love, Acceptance, and Gratitude

  18. Meditation for reconnecting with Mother Earth and Father Sun

  19. Other spiritual procedures
  20. Q&A session

Course Duration Level 1: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday, and Sunday.

Level 2 Course - Summary

  1. Quick recap of main concepts of Level 1

  2. Defining the notions of Good and Evil for soul & body

  3. Transcendence of duality

  4. Energy initiation to raise the soul & body vibration – 1

  5. Procedure for Energy self-transfer

  6. Individual subconscious, beliefs and how they work

  7. How does the Collective Subconscious work

  8. Energy initiation to raise the soul & body vibration – 2

  9. How is Destiny influenced by the subconscious

10. The mechanism of energy moving through the body and chakras

11. The Parent Soul and how we connect with it

12. Special technique for using chakra 6

13. Procedure for Energy self-transfer and to other persons

14. How to get of the Reincarnation Wheel

15. Pushing lower energies to the surface

16. How is Soul’s Inner Calling influenced by Attachments

17. The causal chain leading to Diseases

18. Q&A session

Course Duration Level 2: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday, and Sunday.

Level 3 Course - Summary

  1. Quick recap of Level 2

  2. The connection between soul awareness, body awareness, and destiny

  3. Unity between Love and Knowledge

  4. Passive and active spiritual procedures

  5. Compassion and how to reach it

  6. Meditation with the parent-soul

  7. Cosmic and telluric energies

  8. Initiation for distance energy transfers

  9. The parameter “Energy balance with Creation”

  10. How does the energy flow throughout the body

  11. Relation with the surrounding Reality

  12. Procedures for distance energy transfers

  13. Wandering Souls

  14. Spiritual procedures protocol

  15. Q&A session

Course Duration Level 3: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday and Sunday.

Level 4 Course - Summary


  1. Quick recap of Level 3

  2. Our connection with Mother Earth

  3. Grounding procedure

  4. The small space in the Sacred Space of the heart

  5. Human – God - Creation relationship

  6. Subconscious Beliefs, DNA, rituals, and sins

  7. Antenna principles and beliefs

  8. Introduction to Beliefs Healing

  9. The Aim of Our Life and Spiritual Path

  10. Self-transfer and distance Transfer Techniques

  11. Wandering Souls and our relation with them

  12. Spiritual procedures protocol

  13. Q&A

Course Duration Level 4: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday and Sunday.

Level 5 Course - Summary

  1. Recap Level 4

  2. Beliefs and impact on chakras

  3. How energy flows through chakras

  4. Expanding Consciousness and Awareness

  5. How is the Soul’s Inner Calling influenced by Attachments

  6. Beliefs Healing

  7. Procedures for physically cleaning our bodies

  8. Procedures for energetically cleaning our bodies

  9. ETs, higher souls, manifestations

10. Q&A

Course Duration Level 5: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday and Sunday.

Level 6 Course - Summary

  1. A quick recap of Level 5

  2. Rules of Engagement in this Reality

  3. Beliefs Healing – 3

  4. Meditation with parent-soul - 2

  5. Energy and beliefs contamination among people

  6. Q&A – Session 1. Discussing students’ experiences in practicing procedures.

  7. Energy transfer procedures for Level 6

  8. Preserving your personal space for spiritual growth

  9. Cleaning energetically our body cells

  10. Learning to measure other souls’ vibrations

  11. Q&A

Course Duration Level 6: 6 hours - 2 sessions x 3 hours each, on Saturday and Sunday.

Level 7 Course - Summary

Coming soon...

Timezone: Courses are planned as time for a specific area due to Timezone restrictions (eg, America, Australia, Europe, Asia), see School / Courses Schedule menu option.

Means of interaction: online by Zoom Application.


For course registration please send an email to the email you find in Contact, mentioning 1) how many people wish to participate, 2) name/s, and 3) country & city (so we know your timezone).

We will confirm your registration and give you other details.

Payment: By Wise (former TransferWise) or by PayPal using the e-mail


We recommend that you do not consume alcohol or other strong stimulants during the course, except for medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7


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