Going through the Dark Night of the Soul in a twin flame relationship can be really tough and challenging. But knowing how to handle this phase is crucial to getting through it. Find out what to expect during this time and how to stay connected despite all the hurdles.
Also, the symptoms of the twin flame dark night of the soul can be hard to identify.
What is the Dark Night of the Soul?
The dark night of the soul is a tough emotional and spiritual period where you go through a deep inner change, letting go of painful or limiting beliefs and gaining new insights. This stage in your spiritual journey pushes you to confront old patterns and challenges within yourself.
Think of it as a phase in personal growth where you face a significant and challenging transition to a deeper understanding of life and your role in it. This heightened awareness often comes with the painful process of shedding old identities, relationships, careers, habits, or belief systems that once gave your life meaning.
This can be overwhelming for both you and your partner, as it's hard to understand why these intense feelings and challenges are coming up. However, this dark night of the soul offers a valuable chance to learn important lessons about yourself, your partner, and your twin flame connection.
This idea has been around for ages, known as 'Soul Loss' or 'Descent to the Underworld' in Shamanism, 'Katabasis' in Greek mythology, and in modern psychology, it's seen as 'Positive Disintegration' or 'Nigredo,' a term Carl Jung used in Alchemy.
what is Dark Night of the soul in twin flame relationships
What's a dark night of the soul in a twin flame relationship? Sometimes, the twin flame that triggers this intense period is called a "dark twin flame."
In these relationships, the emotional and spiritual bond is super strong, so when one person feels something, the other feels it too. This can even extend to physical symptoms like headaches. So, when one twin flame goes through a dark night of the soul, the other one feels it deeply as well, even if the crisis isn't directly theirs. By supporting each other, you can come out stronger as a team.
During this dark night, you'll likely face a whirlwind of intense emotions. It might feel overwhelming, but remember, these feelings are temporary. This phase is always tough in twin flame relationships.
Many people treat this dark night like an illness, seeking medication or counseling. While finding the root cause can help, in my experience, it's more effective to take the action or make the decision that the dark night is pushing you towards. Once you do that, then you can look deeper into its origins.
It might sound odd, but there's a temptation to indulge in the pain and identify with your emotions. Successful people in these situations don't give in to the dark mood. They understand that pain is often a catalyst for soul growth. By not falling into the pain, you can navigate this process more quickly and efficiently. This requires a deep understanding of how reality works, the relationship between soul and mind, and so on.
Allow yourself to feel all the emotions of this crisis, knowing they will pass. Experience them, but keep some mental distance, like observing from a higher perspective. Journaling, talking to friends, or seeking a spiritual guide can be helpful. Identify and release the limiting beliefs causing this dark night of the soul.
Separation Anxiety: The Challenges of Being Apart From Your Twin Flame
Separation anxiety can be tough in a twin flame relationship, especially during the dark night of the soul. It's crucial to maintain healthy boundaries and independence, but being apart from your partner can still be really hard.
Missing them can lead to deep sadness and a sense of disconnection, making it hard to stay balanced.
To handle this anxiety:
Try meditation
Practice mindful acceptance
Engage in activities that bring you joy, like journaling or creative projects
Keep communication open with your twin flame, even if you're far apart
Remember, over time, twin flames often experience synchronicities—those meaningful coincidences that seem to guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey. These can come in various forms, like meeting someone who offers great insights or stumbling upon new opportunities that lead you in unexpected directions.
Replacing Fear With Self-Love and Compassion
A crucial part of healing the dark night of the soul is consciously shifting from fear to unconditional self-acceptance, allowing your purest essence to shine.
We all have moments when we are anxious and afraid and it’s important to learn how not to judge ourselves in those times. Instead channel love, compassion, and understanding into yourself, opening up a new space within that is free from turmoil. Self-love brings comfort during these times and nurtures the connection with your twin flame.
Do Introspection to learn which are the mental patterns, the limiting beliefs in your subconscious, that caused all this. Look into you and also ask your twin flame’s help.
We mirror each other in life, we are embodied down here as souls to progress as awareness and consciousness in couples and groups of close knitted groups of souls, so we better ask each other for help. Ultimately, as souls, we are down here for each other, and not to feel alone emotionally like in a desert.
Conclusion: Maintaining Optimism During Times of Challenge
The twin flames' dark night of the soul is a step for an even higher spiritual evolution of the couple. Despite how challenging the twin flames' dark night of the soul may be, it is important to stay optimistic that things will turn out for the better. Remind yourself that this stage will eventually come to an end and whatever happens there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Soulmate relationships on the other hand also put challenges on a couple, but they are generally of lower intensity and complement each other well, which is not the case in twin flame relationships where everything is about high intensity, explosive challenges, everything at the extreme, etc.
Taking time to focus on what you are grateful for can also help maintain your optimism and keep your spirits up while still being honest with where you’re at in your journey.
If you go through a Healing process concerning your limiting beliefs, which also includes releasing your potentially unrealistic expectations whether from yourself or from other people, you will certainly go through the dark night of your soul much quicker and unharmed, and also with a heightened awareness.
Additionally, you will help a lot your twin flame by shortening this process and also giving him or her lots of cues on how to also evolve spiritually faster.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.