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Mar 1, 20247 min read
Unraveling the Quantum-Spiritual Connection: Science Meets Faith
As our knowledge of the universe expands, science and faith continue to intersect in fascinating ways. The enigmatic world of quantum...

Jun 22, 20225 min read
What does spiritual enlightenment really mean for the soul?
People have always sought spiritual enlightenment in different ways, like through meditation, self-reflection, or diving into ancient...

Apr 10, 20225 min read
The Power of Consciousness: Shaping Our Reality
What are Consciousness, Awareness, and Dimensions of vibrations, how does our consciousness create our reality

Sep 22, 20216 min read
A Guide to Nurturing Your Spiritual Growth
In this post you will learn how we influence our partner if we are in a couple when we advance on our spiritual path.

Feb 22, 20213 min read
Are we witnessing a widespread awakening of souls around the world?
Are you feeling a shift in your consciousness? You may be experiencing a soul awakening, a phenomenon that many believe is happening on a gl

Feb 17, 20214 min read
What is spiritual reading and what are its characteristics?
The term “psychic reading” means many things in the spiritual area.
People resort to these readings to find out how to undo blockages.

Jan 29, 20215 min read
Some questionable ideas in religions and spiritual teachings
I show in this post some incorrect statements of religions and spiritual schools due to distortions occurred over time.

Dec 30, 20205 min read
The Interplay of Astrology, Spirituality, and Destiny
I will explain in this post the relationship between Astrology and Spirituality. You will learn how are they related.

Aug 1, 20205 min read
How did ritual sacrifices work in ancient times
In this post I will explain you the universal mechanisms underlying ritual sacrifices, what were the necessary conditions.

Jul 6, 20204 min read
What is the best way to access the Akashic records?
I will point you out in this article some misunderstandings and myths about the Akashic Records, and how and when they should be used.

May 9, 20204 min read
Are spiritually advanced people always kind?
You will learn in this post why not all higher souls are necessarily good and kind. Many factors come into play here that are less known.

Apr 17, 20204 min read
Coronavirus as Earth’s antibody
You will learn how this coronavirus epidemic behaves like an Earth's antibody against the species that started to destroy Earth long time.

Apr 12, 20204 min read
What is the spiritual lesson of the coronavirus
I give a fresh and multi-level point of view about the causes and effects of corona/covd19 virus on humanity, what it means, etc.
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