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How to Quit Smoking to Create a Healthier You

Updated: Oct 6

Taking care of your health is super important for reaching higher levels of well-being. A study on well-being shows that both spirituality and healthy lifestyle choices boost psychological health, helping us grow and live more morally and energetically. By looking at health holistically, we can feel more connected to others and life, raising our overall vibe.


On the flip side, some habits can really harm our body and spirit. Smoking, for instance, is a well-known bad habit that negatively affects our well-being, lowering our vibe and hindering soul growth. Let's dive into how smoking impacts our reality and some tips on creating a healthier life.

relief from smoking, well-being
Relief from smoking (Image: Pexels)

Smoking and reality creation

Just like the food we eat, our habits can have lasting effects on our body, mind, and spirit. In our last post, we talked about how our consciousness shapes our reality. It all comes down to you: for example, smokers believe smoking benefits them, creating automatic behaviors that they keep returning to. This reinforcement builds a lot of energy over time, forming a new reality that makes it hard for smokers to change their habits or beliefs.


Unfortunately, smoking isn't healthy. Many smokers use it as an escape. Nicotine makes them feel good, helping them ignore their surroundings and avoid true growth. But cigarettes are toxic, harming organs like the lungs and heart, and lowering body and soul vibrations. To overcome these negative effects, it's crucial to let go of limiting beliefs in your subconscious.


Smoking can really mess with your spiritual life. Being hooked on nicotine makes it tough to connect with your spiritual side. Nicotine addiction hampers our ability to meditate and reflect on who we are and where we want to go. By quitting smoking, we can reconnect with ourselves, finding peace and clarity to pursue our spiritual goals.


Giving up smoking can also help us reach higher vibrations and spiritual connections. As we conquer our addiction and make peace with ourselves, we can better tune into the energy of others, nature, and our inner selves. A nicotine-free, healthy body makes it easier to absorb these energies.


Quitting smoking also boosts personal growth, allowing us to focus on bigger ideas and concepts that inspire and uplift us by connecting us with the world's spiritual teachings.


Like an unhealthy diet, smoking lowers your body vibration. A lower vibration attracts lower vibration life scenarios, bringing more challenges and hardships. Most people wouldn't want to face that.

Working towards a healthier reality

If you're working towards a healthier reality, one effective start is to quit smoking. Although it can be difficult to shift your reality, moving forward and meeting your spiritual and body goals is still possible.

There are two sides to this smoke-quitting process one needs to deal with:

  1. Motivation to quit smoking

  2. Effective ways to do this

Motivation to quit smoking – Meditation, introspection, and seek support from loved ones

Even with the right tools, shaking off limiting beliefs can be tough. Instead of clinging to these thoughts, it's important to think about how they might be holding back your soul and body from growing.

Meditation is a fantastic way to reconnect with your spiritual side by calming your mind and diving deeper into reflection. Ex-smokers often find it easier to meditate deeply since they don't need to take smoke breaks and their bodies are free from nicotine and other toxins, which helps with concentration.

Focusing on breathwork can also help you become more self-aware and find inner peace, which is super helpful before making decisions.

Your loved ones can be a big help during this tough time, guiding you towards better habits and actions. For instance, if you believe you can't exercise because of weak lungs, try changing that thought to "I can exercise to strengthen my lungs." Having family or friends by your side can keep you accountable and motivated to shift your mindset.

It's not easy to let go of beliefs that have shaped your reality, but with discipline and action, you can quit smoking and build a healthier version of yourself.

Effective ways to do this - Use nicotine replacement therapy

Sometimes, you may need physical tools to help shift your mindset and strengthen your determination. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products like nicotine pouches and lozenges work by easing people out of reliance on nicotine, thus improving soul and body vibration. Nicotine pouches are odorless, smoke-free, and easy to use, suitable for people trying to quit tobacco. Furthermore, they come in a wide spectrum of flavors and strengths that appeal to various users and leave a refreshing sensation. If you're looking for something to put and forget, nicotine patches can be worn for 24 hours before needing replacement. By using NRT products, you can overcome attachments to smoking and work towards a healthier self.


 No matter what methods or tools you use to break a bad habit like smoking, it all starts with understanding why you want to quit, or you might give up. While it's possible to kick bad habits on your own, it can be pretty tough.


But if you get some support from loved ones, family, friends, and other resources, it becomes a lot easier. They can really help you let go of the initial limiting beliefs that got you into smoking in the first place.


You can learn more about spirituality and soul growth by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than the spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site so to learn your soul and body vibration and also get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend the spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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Aug 05

Quitting smoking is a major step towards creating a healthier you. It’s similar to going through an alcohol medical detox—both require commitment, support, and a solid plan. Start by setting a quit date and sticking to it. Surround yourself with supportive people who can encourage you through the tough times. Find healthy habits to replace smoking, like exercising or practicing mindfulness. Remember, it's about taking it one day at a time. Just like with detox, your body will start to heal and you'll notice improvements in your health. Stay strong, and keep your focus on the benefits of a smoke-free life.


Unknown member
Feb 24, 2023

This is a great write-up. I am wondering, how does tobacco compare to cannabis?


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