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What is reality shifting meaning and methods?

Updated: Aug 18

Throughout history, many folks who were unhappy with their lives have tried various ways to make things better. Besides the usual methods like learning new skills, taking risks to discover new places, inventing something for fame and fortune, or even leaving unhappy relationships, people have also explored spiritual ways to improve their lives.

People from all cultures have researched and tested spiritual methods, including witchcraft, meditation, seeking help from spirits, prayers, sacred music, and incantations. Some sought help from divine spirits, while others turned to so-called devils or evil spirits—if it worked, they didn't mind. As result, over time a variety of reality-shifting techniques have evolved.

reality shifting, consciousness,  reality shifting methods
Reality shifting meaning and methods

What is reality shifting meaning and motivation?

Reality shifting is all about moving your awareness from one reality to another. The idea is that if you stay in this new reality long enough, your body will eventually follow. This concept is based on the belief in multiple parallel universes where things happen differently, but we usually can't see them due to our limited perception.

"Shifting" involves separating your consciousness from your body and entering an alternate reality or universe. It's a metaphysical and spiritual practice that touches on your being, identity, and space-time.

Interest in shifting has grown partly because people are dissatisfied with their current lives, and recent global issues like wars, political unrest, and the COVID-19 pandemic have only heightened this feeling. Many see shifting as a way to escape their current frustrations and find a "better" place with more of what they enjoy and less of what they dislike.

The issue is that escapism isn't the answer, and shifting doesn’t naturally work as a way to leave this reality from any perspective. In most cases, the shifter's experience isn't an alternate reality or another place in the multiverse; they're actually creating a fiction inside their own minds. This can lead to confusion and make them vulnerable to spiritual forces they know nothing about. Forcing your way out of your current reality, if not done properly, will likely attract some sort of payback response from the universe eventually.

This shifting souls method as is sometimes called doesn't shift anyone's soul for the better, is just a hack trying to avoid an organic spiritual progress that would truly achieve a soul shifting.

Is reality shifting even real? shifting reality explained

It's totally normal for people to want to trade their current life for a better one. But ignoring your own reality has its downsides. Truth aligns with reality, so if you toss reality aside, you're also tossing aside the truth.

Reality shifting is kinda like the Law of Attraction, which relies on visualization. But in reality shifting, people believe you can actually move into a different reality where your desires are already met. The big difference is that reality shifters think you can do this way quicker by literally stepping into a new reality. This idea ties back to the multiverse theory, which you need to get a grasp on to really understand reality shifting. The concept of shifting realities is pretty controversial, so it's hard to pin down exactly what it means.

The whole idea is based on the mistaken belief that you don't need to earn that new reality, just force your way into it with some clever method.

So, is shifting even possible? Well, under certain conditions, it might be achievable, but it requires following a specific set of guidelines.

Quantum physics basically confirms what people have been saying forever i.e. everything happens for a reason. All observable matter is made up of subatomic particles, which are governed by the laws of quantum physics.

Reality shifting taps into what quantum physics and multiverse theory have been trying to tell us for a long time, it’s all about reality perception. Reality is nothing more than the perception of everything around us. By shifting your perception, you can actually shift into one of an infinite number of realities. Since it's everything about perception, the reality shifting manifestation can differ rather strongly from person to person even if they try to enter the same reality.

Problem is that desires and the physics of Creation don’t always agree.

reality shifting, reality shifting methods, reality shifting meaning,  reality shifting symptoms
Reality shifting and the dreams method

Reality Shifting methods commonly used

There are multiple reality-shifting methods, but basically, they include the following steps:

  • Visualization

  • Intention Setting

  • Affirmation

  • Meditation, prayer

  • Leap into the reality

  • Living the new reality

There are many reality-shifting methods around since over time a plethora of methods for reality shifting was developed. Some of the more known ones are lucid dreaming, astral projection, the Julia method, the raven method, the “I am” method, the animal method, cinn's method shifting, the piano method, and others.

One category of methods for shifting is by entering a “dream sleep” state, where the body rests but the mind stays awake. In this state, you can think about anything you want, and come back to realize that it has manifested into your physical reality. Going into a dream state it’s about lowering your mind’s frequency at Theta or even Delta waves and so be able to influence better the quantum fields around you that make your reality.

Another category is using astral projection or an out-of-body experience (OBE). Using an OBE method called the “Wake Back To Bed” method or WBTB for short, one can return from their OBE directly into the dream they just left. This means that while in your dream sleep, you can visualize what you wish to create in your life, and by returning to your dream you can find out if it has manifested.

By entering into a “dream state” right after waking up from one, you can effectively shift in and out of reality. This is what reality shifting is all about – utilizing the infinite number of parallel universes that make us feel like we’re stuck on this single plane of existence when really there are an infinite amount of others.

For sure you don’t physically “disappear” from the current reality, the basis of reality shifting is that you are moving your consciousness into a version of yourself that exists in another reality. So, what happens to your body in this reality? There are different theories of what physically happens, but the most common is that you actually leave behind a clone of yourself in this reality and move your consciousness into another.

By entering a fictional world, you are doing exactly what fans of that fiction do – becoming an active participant within it. If you’ve ever really immersed yourself in a fictional work like Harry Potter, then you know how easy it is to put yourself right there in the story with those characters for hours on end (so much so that every other thought goes out of your mind).

One of the most common reasons people want to experience reality shifting is to become so engrossed in a fictional world that they completely forget about their own physical life. Many people do it every day. For instance, when you imagine your future life and become lost in these thoughts, you are often living out that fictional identity. These are actually reality-shifting symptoms experienced by the seeker.

There are all sorts of reality shifting symptoms when one tries to practice one method or the other.

Shifting realities explained - The basic obstacle in reality shifting

The basic key to unlocking reality shifting is the correct understanding of how our reality is built.

Our reality is the result of what we truly are as persons, meaning the collection of our subconscious beliefs. Each of us is an antenna and we emit around the wavelengths of each subconscious belief. Some beliefs are limiting beliefs (e.g. fears, worries, hate, greed), while others are positive beliefs (e.g. altruism, love, kindness, integrity. Ultimately, we emit around a range of wavelengths of all these beliefs. The automatic mechanisms in Creation receive our "package" of wavelengths and use it to shape our reality.

As result, we can’t be stable in another reality than the one that 100% corresponds to what we emit around! Reality Shifting means, spiritually wise, making a destiny leap that involves the highest degree of our awareness, so shifting from current reality to a desired one. In spirituality, this thing happens in years of spiritual practice, and it happens organically, while here we talk about a "hack" in the reality structure.

Therefore, even if I force my way into some other reality by some clever procedure, I can’t stay there long since I emit there the same wavelengths I used to emit in my former reality. Eventually, I will automatically return to my previous reality.

So, the real challenge in changing our reality isn't about finding the perfect method. It's more about who we are and how we view and approach life, influenced by our subconscious beliefs, especially the limiting ones. Only by releasing these limiting beliefs we can truly shift our reality and stay in the new and better one. As a result, the reality shifting meaning varies a lot from person to person according to how he sees himself against reality around him. As you see, the shifting reality methods have their limits and they must be well understood before investing effort in any of them.

The Process Of Reality Shifting

A successful reality shifting is a process very different than people think, and that takes time and effort to master. In general, there are five basic steps to reality shifting:

1. Determine first Who you truly are

First, figure out where you currently stand in your life, including your values and beliefs. Without understanding who you really are, making a big jump into a new reality will likely result in failure. Basically, it’s all about knowing your current position on your life path and how much you can safely deviate from it.

For this, I advise you to search for a competent spiritual guide who can look into your soul and subconscious and identify the main subconscious limiting beliefs in you.

2. Determine What Your next desired reality be

It's time to think about your ideal reality. This can be challenging because, as mentioned before, you need to be really honest about where you are now and picture a future where you can stay balanced. You want a change that benefits you without causing you to regress quickly!

Clearly define what you want to achieve with this shift, whether it's better health, more wealth, love, or happiness. Also, make sure to nail down the specifics of your future reality, or you might end up somewhere you didn't plan on.

3. Be determined and make The Decision

Before diving in, make sure you're really ready for the leap. Reality shifting isn’t a casual thing; it can change your life in unexpected ways.

Deciding to shift is a big deal and shouldn't be rushed. Take your time to reflect on what you want and why you want it, so you’re fully committed when you make the choice.

4. Create Your Identity

Once you're confident in your decision, begin crafting your new self and identity. It's a lot like creating a character for a story, movie, or play. You need to truly believe that this is real and that you are becoming who you want to be!

Most reality-shifting methods involve some form of meditation at this stage. Essentially, shifting meditation means dedicating time and energy to practices that help you change your reality.

5. Embody the new reality

Once everything's set, it's time to start living as that person. This is super important – you need to act like this is really happening and you are who you’ve envisioned.

Begin with small changes, like adjusting your posture or the way you talk. Try to stay positive, even when things don’t go as planned.

Reality shifting is tough and has different methods. The key is to stick with it and embody the person you’ve created. By doing this, you'll start to give off different vibes than before, and eventually, reality will shift to match who you’ve become.

Wish you all the luck in doing this!


If you've been dedicated to your spiritual journey and worked hard to let go of limiting beliefs, you don't need any fancy techniques for shifting reality. It'll naturally happen as you grow spiritually, both in soul and body awareness.

These tips are more for those who want to rush out of their current reality and into a better one, without waiting for a more natural progression.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.



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