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Do we meet our deceased dear ones' souls in the afterlife?

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Humans have been perplexed about what happens after death and whether our souls reincarnate. This is a question that has been asked since the dawn of civilization.

There is no single answer to what happens after death when we 'look beyond' in the afterlife. It depends on several factors. I will share with you my spiritual experiences, research, and insights that I confirmed with higher souls I trust.

Souls, vibration levels, soul families, and Reincarnation

I found that the average vibration (awareness level) of a human soul on Earth is 3.5 on the Chakras scale, or the vibration dimensional one (D). Most souls currently on Earth are in the 3D and 4D vibration, which represents about 99% of embodied souls on this planet. These souls incarnate in groups to experience typical life lessons for the vibration range 3D to 4D.

To make a parallel, if you take students from 3rd grade for instance, they follow up the same curricula for their class but that doesn’t make them identical, isn’t it? On the other hand, the skills they get in school are in the range of that 3rd grade. The same happens with souls who are about the same vibration range, they seek life lessons/experiences in the range belonging to their soul vibration.

deceased dear ones, afterlife, afterlife experiences
Do we meet our deceased dear ones' souls in afterlife?

Within the larger group of such souls, there are smaller 3D/4D groups of about tenths of souls who generally split from the same higher soul (parent-soul, God) and have good affinities among them. These tend to reincarnate together in a life provided they have complementary life plans (destinies). For instance, if they study in life the “envy” lesson, some souls get the role of aggressors and some of the victims, and they incarnate in the same family/friends circle to play their roles for the envy lesson.

The vibration level of 3-4D is quite low and dualistic. As a result, an average soul needs tens or even hundreds of lives to learn basic lessons before eventually graduating. Therefore, they return repeatedly (known as samsara in Sanskrit) in related family and friend configurations with other kindred souls to play different roles. This helps them to thoroughly comprehend major lessons in all aspects.

If an individual demonstrates to be a 'champion' by practicing spirituality or gaining a higher understanding and taking steps towards it, his soul significantly increases his vibration in the same lifetime. This can lead to an upgrade to a higher set of experiences, bypassing tens or even hundreds of lives and greatly enhancing their soul growth!

It’s like a 3rd-grade pupil who proves to be a genius and is promoted by the school headmaster directly in the 5th or even 6th grade and skips 4th or 5th grade. As such, in the next lives, such a soul won’t meet again his former group since he’s in another league now.

what happens after death in the Afterlife

The ordinary 3/4D soul upon death needs lots of support for transitioning “beyond” and therefore he is welcomed beyond “the veil” by familiar figures since he is confused and scared at the beginning. Generally, the “welcome party” is made of the soul’s guides during life (souls in 5D vibration generally) who take the appearance of his loved ones to make the soul feel in a familiar context and mitigate his fear and confusion.

This is necessary since usually his former family and friends members' souls that were already dead when he transitioned were also 3/4D souls and not high enough and skilled enough to be part of a “spiritual welcome committee” beyond this physical plane. As always there are exceptions, when a past deceased soul of a family member will welcome a recently deceased soul of the same family to make him feel welcomed.

Higher souls, spiritual guides, and wandering souls

According to my spiritual research, souls with a higher vibration of 5D or higher prefer to incarnate in dimensions that match their vibration level, where they live a life with less duality. On Earth, there are quite a number of such souls in the 5D and 6D dimensions living such lives, invisible to us. Sometimes they make themselves visible to us and we refer to them as UFOs, apparitions, angels or other terms depending on the context.

Many 5D+ souls take on the role of disembodied spiritual guides for the smaller souls in 3-4D, but without embodying here so as not to get caught up in the chaos of duality from down here. There are also higher souls like in 6-7D vibration (enlightenment level, like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, etc) who are brave enough to come here for embodiment to help the smaller souls directly, but generally they run into big problems as history has shown.

When a higher soul in an embodied human form dies, they ascend rapidly to return Home in higher dimensions. In contrast, smaller souls often wander between planes for extended periods after death instead of ascending immediately. These wandering souls, commonly known as "ghosts" in the lore, are used to haunt old houses, castles, cemeteries, battlefields, accident spots, and other locations.

Religions were initially established to raise deceased people's souls to God. However, over time, many priests have lost the capacity to send these souls back to God. As a result, there are now a large number of wandering souls around.

How can you avoid remaining here as a wandering soul?

To avoid remaining trapped in this realm and not returning to God, it is best to study and practice an advanced spiritual tradition. This will help you raise both your soul and body awareness levels, increasing your vibration.

By doing so, you will not develop attachments to material things or people throughout your life, and when your soul crosses over, you won't hesitate to ascend to God and get trapped in this lower vibrational realm.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.


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