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How can I tell if a message is coming from my mind or my soul?

Updated: May 27

Every spiritual seeker often wonders if the messages, dreams, visions, and synchronicities they experience are truly from their soul or spiritual guides, or just their mind and ego playing tricks.

Figuring out whether these messages come from the soul or the mind is one of the biggest challenges on a spiritual journey. Different religions and ancient spiritual traditions have offered various answers to this, and in the next paragraphs, I'll share my own experience when I faced this dilemma.

messages from soul, messages from the mind, discern between messages from soul and mind, limiting beliefs, body vibration, ego, soul
How can I tell if a message is coming from my mind or my soul?

What factors influence the source of a message?

It's not easy to differentiate between various message sources, but based on my spiritual journey and practice, here are some traits that set a truly advanced seeker apart from a typical spiritual novice who often thinks most messages come from their soul or a higher power:

  • The amount of spiritual practice the seeker has.

  • The number of limiting beliefs they've managed to release from their subconscious.

  • Their skill in shifting consciousness from the mind to the heart to connect with the soul.

  • Their ability to confirm and calibrate with genuine higher souls.

  • Their sensitivity to energies, developed through practice, leading to Spiritual Discernment.  

  • Their level of humility.

If a spiritual seeker is advanced in all the areas mentioned, they'll likely have a soul with a vibration of at least 4.0 on the chakra scale, and a body with a similar 4.0 vibration. This is higher than the average person's 3.5 vibration for both soul and body on the same scale.

How does the level of awareness impact someone's ability to discern spiritually?

The ability to distinguish between body/ego feelings and messages from the soul gets stronger with a higher vibration level (consciousness) for both the soul and body. So, someone who's spiritually developed can usually tell if a message is from their ego or soul with over 70% accuracy.

Also, I want to highlight that having a small amount of ego is perfectly okay and even necessary at our current level of existence in a 3D world vibration as ours is. When someone says you should completely let go of your ego, it shows they don't really understand spirituality or how energy works in Creation. How else can someone maintain personal space, make decisions, and grow if they don't have the skills to be assertive, for example?

How can you tell if the answer comes from your ego or your soul?

There's no magic trick or shortcut for the armchair spiritualist to tell the difference between theory and practice. To truly grow on our spiritual journey, we shouldn't get lost in spiritual theories and ignore the practical side.

Below, you'll find a tried-and-proven method that I've used successfully, along with other advanced spiritual seekers. This method has a preparation phase and a main part. The preparation steps are meant to open a safe and clear channel between your mind, heart, and your soul, or even your parent-soul or spiritual guides, who have a much deeper understanding than we do.

As a general rule, if you want to get answers to significant life questions, I recommend the following method:


  1. Begin with breathwork

  2. Go into your heart (shift your awareness from your mind in your heart)

  3. Do a short meditation to raise your body vibration and separate yourself from the lower frequency surrounding you.

  4. Use other awareness growth strategies in your practice if you feel the need for them. They can include sacred music, sacred dancing, asanas, and so on.

Main part

  1. Close your eyes and ask your question when you feel calm and balanced. It should be something you don't already know the answer to, like "Should I marry this person?" or "Should I accept this job offer?" Avoid everyday mundane questions like "Should I fix my car?"

  2. If an answer comes to you in less than 2-3 seconds, that's the one you were looking for. If it takes longer, your mind might have had time to create an answer based on your beliefs. Typically, your soul's answer arrives instantly when you formulate the question in your mind!


To boost accuracy, try doing several calibration sessions before diving into important questions. It's helpful to have a trusted friend join you for an outside perspective.

Keep in mind, the more spiritually evolved you are in both soul and body, the more precise your answers will be.

Enhancing your body's vibration along with your soul's progress can greatly improve the accuracy of the answers you get. Reaching Spiritual Discernment is tricky and takes time to learn and calibrate, and there are all sorts of pitfalls and roadblocks along the way until one masters it.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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