In the world of spirituality, you'll often hear people talking about the Akashic records. These records are said to hold all the information about the universe, down to the tiniest detail. The term "Akashic" comes from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "space," "sky," or "ether." It's believed that the Akashic records exist on a vibrational level way beyond our current state and include every event that has ever happened in the universe, covering human lives, intelligent beings, and all of Creation.
Different sources might define the Akashic records a bit differently, but the most widely accepted idea is the one mentioned above. Keep this in mind as you dive deeper into spirituality and explore the many concepts and beliefs out there.
Exploring the Akashic records to uncover details about your past or future lives and discover your soul's purpose is a dream for many spiritually inclined folks and those curious about the topic. So, I'll dive deeper into this below, sharing both the established perspectives and insights from my own spiritual research in the Akashic records.
What are the Akashic records?
The Akashic Records aren't a physical place you can visit; they're more about shifting your conscious awareness to a higher vibration. When people say they "visited" the Akashic Records, they mean they connected with a spiritual dimension (the Akasha) and their minds interpreted it using familiar physical concepts. Helena Blavatsky, a well-known occultist and founder of the Theosophical Society, talked about "tablets of light" that held all information about everyone and everything.
From my research and experience with the Akashic Records, I've realized that calling them "records" isn't quite accurate. In our constantly changing universe, nothing stays fixed. So, there's no permanent place or structure that holds information like a library. Everything in Creation is always in flux, which aligns with the 5th law of Creation.
Basically, everything in all worlds and dimensions happens simultaneously. Some special people can tap into events from the "past" or "future," but really, everything's happening at the same time. It's tough for us to grasp because we're so used to thinking in terms of time. That's why we often refer to past events as records – it's just easier for most people to understand. If you're curious about Akashic records, check out my other post concerning the Akasha for more info.
What is the structure of the Akasha?
In the Akasha, an Akashic records reader can access every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future, all stored forever.
The Akashic Records reveal what has happened, what is happening, and what might happen. Since they exist in a higher dimension, the concept of time doesn't really apply. Time appears flat to the Akashic Records, so information from 2,000 years ago is as accessible as what happened to you yesterday. Similarly, what happened to you yesterday is just as available as what might happen in 10 years if you continue on the same path.
Interestingly, everything has its own Akashic Record. Your soul, your house, your dog, and even your relationships have their own records. You can open the specific records of these things to ask questions related to them.
Here’s how Edgar Cayce, the psychic medium who popularized the Records, describes them:
“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity's ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God's book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes the same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity's application of self ...
-- Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1”
If you're into String Theory, you might think of the Akashic Records in a new way. Imagine them as a universal database that logs everything happening across all co-existing universes. To simplify, picture the Universe as a super-advanced quantum computer, holographic in nature, following strict rules and programs to store and manage data. This database is a complex web of akashic fields governed by universal laws and systems.
So, if someone cleverly tunes into the routines that control it, they could access the Akashic Records and get insights into most things there.
In essence, based on my spiritual research and practice, this database is just a record of all events and occurrences running in parallel in our universe.
Prerequisites for a successful Akashic reading
To tap into the Akashic records effectively, you need to approach it like accessing a database, from an external viewpoint. Being caught up in everyday life and human worries can make it tough to suddenly connect with events from thousands of years ago in a specific place.
One big hurdle in accessing the Akashic records is focusing too much on thoughts instead of the soul. The mind is closely linked to the ego, which uses fear to protect us. Plus, holding onto past traumas can cloud your thinking, like looking through dirty glasses.
To rise above this lower vibrational state, you need to elevate both your soul and body vibrations, find the right perspective, and accurately connect with the specific point in time and space. This isn't easy.
In my research, I've come across many mediums who claim to access the Akashic records but are actually just engaging with their own minds because they haven't met these basic requirements.
Anyone who satisfies the above conditions can potentially access their own Akashic records, as long as they:
achieve the minimum soul and body vibration levels, and
undergo calibration with a skilled Akashic reader.
It's super important not to dive into the records with any preconceived ideas or beliefs because you might find some surprises. When you're looking into the past or future, keep in mind that the soul's journey covers every part of life, even the not-so-great stuff. Not everything you come across in the Akashic records will be happy or inspiring, but it's all part of the soul's rich tapestry of experiences.
How to read the Akashic records
Usually, the process of akashic reading involves some kind of grounding or purification first, aligning yourself with protective guides and protective energy.
This also helps you to align with your best ideals and intentions and prohibits you from approaching the Akashic Records with too much emphasis on ego or with unintended wicked intentions.
The steps are:
1. Balance and Ground yourself
Before your venture on and enter some specific akashic reading procedure, first connect with your higher self. You may want to do a 10-15 minute meditation or some breathwork to release any fear or worry before entering.
2. Do an opening meditation or prayer for Akashic records reading
There are lots of ways to tap into the Akashic Records. You can find many prayers online or in books, or you could try an Akashic records meditation to make that connection.
Go with whatever method feels right and resonates with you. This tool is available to everyone, as long as they meet the necessary conditions; otherwise, the reading might be quite off.
For instance, a good number of people use the Pathway Prayer procedure, but there are numerous others. Whichever you choose, try to feel if you really connected with the higher beings you called upon, and further to the Akashic records.
If you miss this step your journey into the records is at risk.
3. Ask to connect to a specific time and place, or ask for information
Once you feel connected to the akashic records with the help of the higher beings you've called upon, go ahead and ask for the specific information you're looking for. You can also request to connect to a particular time and place in your past or future that holds the keys to your current situation.
Don't hesitate to be specific. For example, you can ask about past events related to a fear you're dealing with now. Inquire about your past lives, the people and soul contracts in this lifetime, or even what creative project to dive into next. Nothing is off-limits. Explore as deeply as you want. You can even seek clarity and answers about an illness or disease you need healing for.
4. You receive only what’s relevant for you now
Akashic readings aren't just for entertainment, even if they seem fascinating. They're not meant for fun.
You might feel drawn to a specific time and want to know about a possible past life, but you'll only get information that's relevant to your current life and body at this moment. The Akashic Records reveal what you need to learn right now to help you on your journey.
If you ask about things that aren't part of your soul's history, like trying to witness JFK's assassination firsthand, you won't get access.
Trust that the information you receive is exactly what you need.
5. Close the Records
Once you've got the info you need, make sure to close the records. Usually, you don't want to leave them open, or you might not be able to access them next time!
Ask for Permission if trying to read the Akasha for someone else
If you want to read someone else's info, make sure to get their permission first. Also, avoid reading a child's records unless it's your own kid, and even then, you need their soul's okay.
To access someone else's Akashic records, your soul needs to be at a higher vibration than the average reader, or you won't be able to access them.
What to expect from Akashic reading and healing
Sometimes, diving into the Akashic Records can feel like recalling a movie you watched a few days ago—hazy and dreamlike. You might get a lot of visual info quickly, so keeping a journal just for these experiences can help you track and compare them.
When used properly, the Akashic Records can boost your spiritual growth, healing, wisdom, and overall development. They can reveal your soul's purpose, the root of life's challenges, and your main life lessons. Always approach the Akashic Records with the highest ethics. If your intentions are pure, your guides will lead you to useful and healing insights.
You can access info that sharpens your psychic sense during readings and helps you see the bigger picture of personal situations. It's best to ask open-ended questions like "How," "What," and "Why" to get relevant information. Yes or No questions might miss the context of the events you're curious about.
Through the Records, you can explore any topic or question, as long as your questions are self-focused (if you’re reading for yourself) and open-ended.
Exploring the Akashic Records lets you dive into past lives and future possibilities, boosting your psychic abilities and helping you become your best self. When you do Akashic Records readings, you tap into a higher perspective. So, the info you get might come through in a more symbolic way.
This journey can bring deep healing and understanding. For example, working with the Akashic Records can help you emotionally cleanse and better understand why a divorce or a close friendship ended Plus, the insights from the Akashic Records can strengthen your sense of purpose and mission in life.
But remember, you already have everything you need for the present moment. Only after you've genuinely tried everything in the present without success should you consider exploring the Akashic fields.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.