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Understanding How Eating Meat Can Lower Your Vibration

Eating meat can impact your body physically, mentally, and spiritually. Sure, it offers some short-term benefits like quality proteins, fats, and carbs, but it doesn't really help maintain the energy levels needed for a vibrant life.

If you're wondering how meat might affect your energy levels and are looking for tips on healthier eating, this article has a lot to offer. Even though low-vibration foods are often cheaper, they come with hidden costs we might not notice.

I've written this article based on my spiritual research, exploring the energies of various meats and foods and observing their impact on our body's energy.

What is the Link Between Eating Meat and Lowering Vibrations?

Eating meat can have a detrimental impact on our vibration levels due to how it affects the body, mind, and spiritual levels. Not only does it provide short-term nutritional benefits, but it also causes inflammation within the body that can lead to fatigue, a lack of clarity, and difficulty with focusing.

In addition to this, as many of you already know, animal products contain hormones and chemicals that further inhibit our ability to tap into universal consciousness and stay vibrantly healthy. Meat is a low-vibration kind of food that doesn’t serve our body vibration and health.

Healthy food, body vibration, soul growth
Food that helps your body vibration and soul growth

It's been found that eating animal products can mess with our energy levels, which might affect our spiritual connection. People who have switched to plant-based diets often say they feel more in tune with the world, lighter, and free from energy blocks they didn't know they had.

Plus, when we eat plants, we absorb their natural life force and positive vibes. By choosing a more mindful lifestyle and avoiding animal products, we can better align with our true potential and the universal energy.

How Does Eating Meat Impact Our Physical Bodies?

Eating meat can really affect our bodies since it's a dense food that takes longer to digest, often leaving us feeling sluggish and bloated. Our bodies have to work hard to break down the proteins and nutrients from animal products, which can also lead to increased acid production in the stomach, causing more bloating and discomfort.


On an energetic level, eating animal products might make it harder for us to create lasting positive changes in our lives. These foods are dense and can inhibit our ability to stay present and connected with ourselves. If you're looking to raise your vibration and make significant changes, cutting back on or eliminating animal products might help.


Many spiritual folks and others have noticed that eating meat can act as an energetic block, leading to reduced energy levels, trouble focusing, and difficulty clarifying intentions. It can feel like a 'dead weight' that prevents us from connecting with our higher selves and staying true to our goals and dreams. By reducing or removing animal products, we can free up energy for meaningful activities like meditation, yoga, or creative pursuits.


After extensive research, I found that meat ranks high on the list of foods that negatively impact us the most, according to the food vibration chart I created.

How Does Eating Meat Impact Our Mental Health?

Eating meat doesn't just impact our bodies; it can affect our mental health too. Consuming animal products can increase feelings of fear, worry, and suspicion by boosting cortisol and adrenaline levels, which leads to more stress.

Red meat, in particular, can strengthen our Ego and make us feel more disconnected from the world around us, including people, nature, and animals. This disconnection might lead to a constant need for validation and feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. So, it's crucial to be mindful of what we eat if we want to maintain positive vibes.

oragnic food, food vibration chart, body vibration, spiritual growth
Organic food raises our vibration

Eating meat can release toxins like homocysteine in our bodies, which can mess with neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, affecting our ability to think clearly and make decisions.

On an energetic level, animal products can bring in lower vibrational energies that make it tough to stay focused and connected spiritually. Not many people realize that our brain and gut are closely linked, making the old saying "We are what we eat" very accurate!

How Can We Minimize the Negative Effects of Eating Meat?

Eating organic, grass-fed meats can boost nutritional value compared to cheaper, grain-fed options, which might have more pesticides. Including plant-based proteins like beans and legumes, and eating meats in moderation, can help balance out any negative effects. It's also wise to avoid processed meats like bacon and deli meats to minimize exposure to added hormones and preservatives.

Adding lots of fruits and veggies to your diet can help detoxify your system from any toxins released when eating animal products. Grass-fed meats offer more nutrients and fewer antibiotics and growth hormones than grain-fed options.

Going for plant-based proteins like beans, legumes, and nuts provides essential nutrients like fiber and magnesium. Moderation is key with meats to avoid inflammation from too much fat. Processed meats often have added chemicals like nitrites or sulfites, which can negatively impact health, so always check labels carefully.

A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help cleanse your body from unwanted toxins from animal products.

What Alternatives to Eating Meat are There That Can Raise Our Vibration and Improve Our Health?

Eating a plant-based diet, especially raw and vegan foods, can provide your body with essential nutrients and boost your energy levels. Plant-based proteins like beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds are packed with vitamins and minerals that support both physical healing and emotional balance. Adding fresh fruits and veggies to your meals gives you antioxidants and other substances that help reduce infl

ammation by stimulating metabolic processes. Regular detox routines, such as juice cleanses or herbal teas, can also help remove toxins from your system, which might otherwise lower your energy.


Besides eating plant-based, other detox methods can help raise your energy levels. Crystals and gemstones have been used for centuries for their healing properties, and many carry positive energies that can help restore balance in your body. Each stone has its own unique vibrations that attract different types of frequencies and can protect against negative vibes from the environment or people.


Sunbathing is another great way to detox and elevate your energy. Spending time outside in nature, especially near water, can calm your mind, body, and soul, helping to recharge your energy and maintain a healthy vibe.


 Eating meat can lower your vibration, but if you’re not ready to give it up, try to choose the types of meat that have the least impact on you, especially if you’re on a spiritual journey. You can use tools like the food vibration chart I researched. Low-vibration foods won’t benefit your health or spiritual growth.


If you switch to a vegetarian diet, or even better, a vegan one, I can tell you from my experience and from observing others on similar paths, you’ll enjoy many benefits:

  •  You’ll feel lighter.

  • You might heal from various health issues you had as a meat eater.

  • Your body’s vibration will increase so your spiritual growth will be boosted.

  • You’ll become more sensitive to the vibrations and emotions of others and nature (like people, animals, and plants).

  • Your spiritual growth will take a significant leap.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.



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