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Spiritual Teacher vs. Spiritual Master: Key Distinctions

Updated: Oct 5

A spiritual teacher and a spiritual master may seem similar, but they have distinct roles. Both aim for mastery in spirituality, yet a spiritual teacher and a spiritual master aren't quite the same. A spiritual teacher offers guidance and instructions, while a spiritual master has already reached an advanced spiritual state or enlightenment.

In this article, I'll refer to the 7th chakra scale of vibration as a reference model. I base this article on my own spiritual journey, and also observing the soul evolution of other advanced spirituals including enlightened ones both from the past and present.  

Understanding Spiritual Hierarchy: Teacher vs. Master


To become a spiritual master, you need to go through various levels of spiritual practice and understanding.


These levels typically include three main stages: 

  1. The disciple stage, where you're still learning the basics.

  2. The seeker stage, where you explore and dive into your own beliefs and practices.

  3. The mastery level, where you can guide others on their paths to enlightenment.

spiritual Master, spiritual teacher, enlightenment
A Spiritual Master (Photo by Benjamin Balázs)

A spiritual teacher is knowledgeable and experienced in spiritual practices but hasn't yet reached the same level of mastery as a spiritual master. They typically lead group classes or individual sessions to help others on their path to enlightenment but might not offer the deeper insights that a master can.


Spiritual teachers are well-versed in principles like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, but they don't have the authority to look at and teach more profound metaphysical and spiritual concepts. On the other hand, a spiritual master has undergone significant personal development and is better equipped to address complex spiritual questions. They possess a higher level of spiritual attainment, some achieving self-realization and enlightenment, allowing them to guide others more effectively.


A spiritual master has experienced personal enlightenment through practices such as meditation or yoga and is much more advanced in their spiritual journey compared to a spiritual teacher. They have a deep understanding of the spirit, and aim to help others reach enlightenment by guiding them on their spiritual path.


While spiritual teachers are knowledgeable, they haven't reached the same spiritual level as spiritual masters. They offer guidance but might lack the profound insight and wisdom that masters have. Finding a teacher or master who resonates with you is crucial for your spiritual journey to enlightenment.


In essence, a spiritual teacher might rely on books or guidance from a master, but a spiritual master is "The book" themselves!

Know the Differing Scopes of Responsibility and Authority

The scope of a spiritual teacher's responsibility and authority is typically limited, while that of a master will usually be more encompassing.

A spiritual teacher guides those they are teaching by providing the basics of a path towards personal growth and helps them in their journey. This is what regular priests for instance do. A spiritual master, on the other hand, has a greater scope of knowledge and goes much deeper into philosophical and higher vibration matters which can provide guidance to one's own spiritual practice, inspiring them to further depths of understanding. A master often has completed their spiritual journey, seeking out inner knowledge and mastering techniques to provide insight and guidance to others. They typically offer a more individualized approach as they need to understand the personal circumstances of each student in order to provide an appropriate framework for them, based on the individual’s own requirements.

Spiritual leader, spiritual teacher, spiritual master, spiritual enlightenment
A spiritual master

Spiritual teachers use their teachings in such a way that they are universally applicable to all students, but can’t reach a detail level. They offer a more general set of techniques and strategies, generally not working one-on-one with individual students, and can’t manually customize advice to each student to give them detailed feedback. Spiritual teachers provide general guidance to those seeking inner knowledge while helping them foster connections with the divine by sharing what they know.

This less personalized approach enables them to promote spiritual growth among multiple people but up only to a point, whereas a master focuses on providing direct guidance to every student during their individualized journey. On the other hand, this can limit the number of students a spiritual master can guide due to lack of time.

Practice makes the difference in everyday life

Becoming a spiritual master goes beyond just learning and understanding wisdom teachings—it's about putting that knowledge into practice in everyday life. To guide others on their spiritual journey, you need to live by the principles you teach. Start incorporating these principles into your daily routine to begin your path to mastery.

What sets a spiritual master apart from a teacher is their level of experience, knowledge, and practice. While a teacher can share basic spiritual concepts, a master has internalized these practices deeply. To become a seasoned spiritual leader, it's essential to have real, tangible experience in spiritual growth.

A spiritual master aims to bring peace in all areas of life. They should understand the impact of tough times and offer guidance on letting go and healing spiritually. Besides having a deep grasp of spiritual teachings, they should stay grounded in reality to provide practical advice along with wisdom.

I've noticed that many spiritual teachers can lose touch with reality and struggle to apply their teachings in real life, sometimes isolating themselves and their students in an "ivory tower" away from the real world.


To become a true master, you need to genuinely commit to spiritual growth and practice. Along the way, you should aim to live according to your beliefs and learn from your experiences. This path isn't easy and often involves questioning your views on reality and letting go of material attachments.

A real spiritual master is someone who has moved past self-analysis and engagement. They are enlightened, or nearly so, and fully embody their higher self. They share their wisdom to help others on their own journeys of transformation.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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