Your Spiritual Guide

Jul 7, 20205 min

Can I belong both to a religion and a spiritual school?

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

In today's increasingly connected world, it's not uncommon for individuals to find themselves drawn to multiple spiritual paths. As we seek inner peace and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world, the question arises: Can I belong to both a religion and a spiritual school? However, it's essential to explore this topic further to gain a better understanding of how to harmoniously embrace dual beliefs.

Before we discuss whether it is acceptable to be a part of both a religion and a spiritual school concurrently, let's delve into the specifics of each.

The Characteristics of Religions

Firstly, let us recall the fundamental functions of religion. By drawing a parallel with the conventional school system we are all familiar with, religions represent the 1st and 2nd class of spirituality. Consequently, they teach a young soul basic principles and commands, such as not stealing, not lying, not being greedy, and so on.

Religions also describe a God who constantly watches over us, often depicted as an elderly figure with white hair who is frequently displeased and punishes us for every mistake. They encourage living in fear of this God and the concept of Hell, which awaits sinners. In this context, individuals often feel spiritually helpless and reliant on a particular religion for their salvation.

Religion and spirituality

To compensate for these sins and fears, religions offer the guidance of an almighty prophet who can "save" us, especially after death, if we believe in them. Religions also emphasize that God loves us despite our sins and that they strive to lead us on the right path.

However, it is important to remember that classical religions were established in historical contexts that are vastly different from today. Their primary purpose was to ensure social stability and provide a common narrative for followers to unite and collaborate in building cities, dams, armies, and nations that form a civilization.

The vast majority of souls now embodied on Earth are young souls, and many even lived in ancient times when those religions were relatively new and well-aligned with the historical context of that times. Therefore, these souls when adhering to the religion in which they spent many lives in the past do have a familiar feeling in the present. They feel at Home, have a sense of déjà vu, and feel safe since they share their faith with millions or even billions of others.

The Specifics of Spiritual Schools

In contrast, a spiritual school, which can be compared to the 3rd class and higher in spirituality, focuses on the inner development of the student. The spiritual practices promoted by spiritual schools, such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong, aim to guide students toward a more enlightened and higher awareness existence.

This spiritual journey requires identifying and releasing limiting beliefs that have been acquired since childhood due to family, religion, education, society, and media. Meditation, for instance, can only be effective when these beliefs are confronted and let go of.

One major difference between a religion and a spiritual path is that religion offers communal rituals to create a sense of belonging and unity. Conversely, in a spiritual school, while there may be a master and colleagues, the individual is ultimately responsible for their own spiritual growth and development.

In a spiritual school although you have a master and colleagues, ultimately you are alone on your evolution spiritual path, you know where it starts but you have no idea when it will lead you to. You will be pushed to look inside you and acknowledge your fears, worries, and insecurities, and this certainly can be stressful.

The Implications of Belonging to Both a Religion and a Spiritual School

There are some individuals who maintain ties with both a religion and a spiritual school, comparable to attending 1st-grade classes in one school and 3rd-grade courses in another. Transitioning from a religion to a spiritual school requires time, and during this period, a person may be part of both.

However, problems may arise if they never fully let go of their religious past, as this can lead to confusion and hinder spiritual progress.

Maintaining Balance

One of the most significant challenges faced by those who choose to follow multiple spiritual paths is finding a balance between their beliefs. This balance is crucial in order to avoid feelings of guilt, confusion, or spiritual dissonance. To achieve this, consider the following tips

  • Stay open-minded: Be willing to learn and grow from both your religious and spiritual teachings. Remember that no single path has all the answers, and embracing different perspectives can enrich your spiritual journey.

  • Prioritize your values: Reflect on the core values that resonate with you the most from both your religion and spiritual school. Prioritize these values in your daily life to create a cohesive, integrated practice.

  • Create a support network: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand and respect your journey. They can provide valuable guidance, encouragement, and support as you navigate the complexities of dual beliefs.

  • Set boundaries: Understand that there may be aspects of your religion and spiritual school that conflict with one another. It's essential to set boundaries and make conscious choices about which beliefs and practices you'll incorporate into your life.

Keeping a balance among several spiritual traditions that a spiritual might want to follow at the same time and observing the criteria above can be quite an effort and challenging at times.

Over a longer time, when a person is influenced by two or more sources with significantly different vibrations, such as a religion and a spiritual tradition, their soul and body energy fields may suffer over time. It is not uncommon to see spiritual practitioners who claim to follow multiple spiritual schools, often combined with religious influences. However, it is essential to avoid mixing different traditions, as doing so may result in negative consequences.


From my own experience, and also watching thousands of spirituals over many years who chose to belong to both religion and even several spiritual schools at the same time, I advise keeping things separate and fully committing whether to a religion or a spiritual school when pursuing spiritual growth. If, after a reasonable period, you feel it no longer serves your spiritual growth, move on to another spiritual tradition that better suits your needs. However, ensure that you abandon the previous practices entirely to avoid confusion and potential setbacks in your spiritual journey.

Ultimately, the decision to belong to both a religion and a spiritual school is a deeply personal one. It requires self-reflection, open-mindedness, and a willingness to embrace the beauty of diverse spiritual paths. By focusing on the shared values and commonalities between your beliefs, you can create a harmonious and enriching spiritual journey that honors your unique connection to the divine.

Remember, ultimately it's not about choosing one over the other; it's about finding the balance and harmony that allows you to grow and thrive.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.
