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Beyond Hollywood: The True Purpose and Significance of Exorcism

Updated: Oct 5

Exorcism has long been a subject of fascination in popular culture, with movies and TV shows presenting dramatic portrayals of demonic possession and the subsequent battle for the victim's soul. However, the reality of exorcism extends far beyond the silver screen.

Let’s step beyond the sensationalism of Hollywood and peel back the layers of mystery surrounding Exorcism. In this article, we dive deep into the true purpose and significance of exorcism, shedding light on a practice often shrouded in misunderstanding.

I will include also my experience as a spiritual guide and healer with such cases of exorcism where I cleansed persons of lower vibration entities that stuck to them.

By understanding the true purpose and significance of exorcism, we can gain insight into the complex relationship between spirituality and mental health. Whether you approach the topic from a religious perspective or harbor skepticism, this article will provide you with a thoughtful exploration of exorcism's deeper meanings.

What is Exorcism and Spirit Possession?

While exorcism is primarily associated with religious beliefs, its purpose goes beyond simply ridding individuals of malevolent spirits. It is a ritual aimed at healing, restoring physical and mental well-being, and providing a sense of spiritual cleansing.

Exorcism, spirit possession, spiritual possession, lower spirits, lower entities, limiting beliefs, entities possession

Please note the difference between lower Energies attached to a person, and lower Entities attached to a person, they are different and in this article we talk only about the latter.

A person may encounter negative entities or malevolent spirits that attach themselves to their body's energy, causing harmful effects. These spirits feed on the individual's energy, manipulate their behavior, and can lead to health and mental complications. This occurrence is known as Possession or Spirit Possession. Exorcism refers to the process of removing these entities and cleansing the possessed individual.

In my experience, Spiritual Possession can be of two kinds:

  • Partial possession, which means the attached lower spirits influence a person in a range of 5%-90%. In this case, an exorciser, i.e. the person who conducts the exorcism process, can talk with the original soul of that person and get his help in pushing out the lower entities during the exorcism process.

  • Full Possession, which means the attached lower spirits influence a person’s rate of 90%-100%. In this case unfortunately the exorciser can’t talk with the person’s soul since his body is fully taken over by the lower spirits. Therefore, the exorcism process has to be conducted only from the outside of that person.

The large majority of cases fall into the partial possession kind. The full possession is very rare and rather obvious due to that person’s manifestations. Actually, this latter kind is portrayed in movies because it’s much more manifest and strongly impacts the imagination and fears of the audience.

Historical origins of exorcism

Exorcism is not a recent phenomenon but has roots in ancient civilizations. The practice can be traced back to Mesopotamia, where it was believed that illnesses and mental disturbances were caused by evil spirits. These spirits were thought to possess individuals and bring harm to their bodies and minds. Ancient texts from Babylonia and Assyria mention rituals performed to expel these malevolent entities.

In ancient Greece, exorcism was also practiced to free individuals from the influence of malicious spirits. The Greeks believed that illnesses and psychological disturbances were often caused by these entities, and exorcism rituals were conducted to restore balance and harmony within the affected individuals.

Moving forward in history, exorcism gained significance within various religious traditions, such as Christianity and Islam. In Christianity, exorcism is mentioned in the Bible, with Jesus being portrayed as an exorcist who expelled demons from those who were possessed. This biblical account has influenced the beliefs and practices of exorcism within the Christian faith.

Different cultural perspectives on exorcism

Exorcism is not confined to a specific culture or religion but is practiced in various forms across the world. Different cultures have their unique beliefs and rituals surrounding the expulsion of malevolent spirits. These practices often reflect the cultural values and worldviews of the communities that practice them.

In some African cultures, exorcism is performed through dance, music, and the use of sacred objects. These rituals are believed to connect the individual with the spiritual realm and drive away the possessing spirits. The belief in ancestral spirits and their influence on human lives is a key aspect of exorcism in African traditions.

In Asian cultures, such as Japan and China, exorcism takes on different forms. In Japan, Shinto priests perform purification rituals to rid individuals of evil spirits or negative energy. These rituals often involve the use of prayer, chanting, and the burning of sacred herbs.

Similarly, in China, Taoist priests conduct exorcism ceremonies to remove harmful spirits and restore balance to the affected individuals.

The role of religion in exorcism

Religion plays a significant role in the practice of exorcism. In many religious traditions, exorcism is considered a sacred ritual that addresses the spiritual well-being of individuals. Religions believe that malevolent spirits or demons can possess a person's body, causing physical and mental distress. Exorcism is seen as a means to expel these entities and restore the individual's spiritual and overall well-being.

Within Christianity, exorcism is regarded as a sacramental rite. It is performed by authorized clergy members who undergo specific training and possess the necessary spiritual authority to carry out the ritual. The Catholic Church, in particular, has a detailed set of guidelines and protocols for conducting exorcisms, ensuring that the process is handled with care and reverence.

In Islam, exorcism is known as "Ruqyah" and involves the recitation of specific verses from the Quran. Muslim exorcists believe that the recitation of these verses has a protective and healing effect, driving away evil spirits and restoring the person's well-being. The practice of Ruqyah is deeply rooted in Islamic beliefs and is often performed by individuals with a deep understanding of the Quran.

The general steps in the process of exorcism

The process of exorcism varies depending on the cultural and religious traditions involved. However, certain elements are commonly found across different exorcism rituals. These elements include 1) preparation, 2) invocation, 3) interrogation, 4) supplication, and 5) dismissal.

  • Preparation involves creating a sacred space and gathering the necessary ritual tools and objects. This may include holy water, religious symbols, and texts. The exorcist may also engage in prayer or meditation to prepare themselves spiritually for the ritual.

  • Invocation is the act of calling upon higher powers or spiritual entities to aid in the exorcism. This may involve invoking the name of a deity, reciting sacred texts, or performing specific rituals to establish a connection with the divine.

  • Interrogation is a crucial step in the exorcism process. The exorcist seeks to understand the nature of the possessing entity, its motivations, and the impact it has on the individual. This allows the exorcist to tailor the ritual and approach accordingly.

  • Supplication involves prayers, invocations, or rituals aimed at driving out the possessing entity. It may involve the use of sacred objects, such as crosses or amulets, and the recitation of specific incantations or verses. The exorcist may also engage in physical actions, such as gestures or motions, to symbolically remove the entity.

  • The Dismissal marks the conclusion of the exorcism ritual. It involves declaring the departure of the possessing entity and sealing off any spiritual openings that may have allowed the entity to enter in the first place. This step aims to prevent further possession and protect the individual from future spiritual disturbances.

Controversies surrounding exorcism

Exorcism is not without controversy, with debates surrounding its ethical implications and the potential for harm. Critics argue that exorcism can lead to the misdiagnosis of mental health conditions, delay appropriate treatment, or even cause further psychological harm to vulnerable individuals.

There have been cases where individuals seeking exorcism have been subjected to physical abuse or neglect, believing that their afflictions were solely spiritual in nature. In these instances, the lack of proper assessment and collaboration between religious and mental health professionals can result in serious consequences.

To address these concerns, some religious institutions have established guidelines and protocols for conducting exorcisms. These guidelines emphasize the importance of discernment, collaboration with mental health professionals, and the well-being of the individuals seeking help.

Debunking myths about exorcism

Due to its portrayal in popular culture, exorcism is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Separating fact from fiction is essential in understanding the true purpose and significance of exorcism.

One common myth is that exorcism is solely a religious practice. While exorcism is deeply rooted in religious beliefs, it is also performed in secular contexts, such as within certain cultural traditions or alternative spiritual practices. Exorcism is not limited to a specific religious framework but can be found in various forms across different belief systems.

Another myth is that possession is always characterized by dramatic physical manifestations. While some cases of possession may involve physical contortions or unusual behavior, not all possessions present themselves in such overt ways. Possession can manifest as emotional disturbances, psychological imbalances, health issues, or even subtle changes in behavior.

My experience in cleansing out persons of lower vibration entities

As a spiritual guide and healer, I also conducted exorcism processes, so doing spirits or entities cleansing that are stuck to a person’s body energies.

First, I need to make a difference about such illnesses:

  • There are persons with mental illnesses, generally due to some traumatic event in their past. Such persons need professional help from psychologists or even psychiatrists, they are not subject to spirit possession.

  • There are also cases as I explained above, where despite the doctors' efforts no improvements could be seen. In these cases, there is the possibility of a possession situation. The exorcist has the responsibility to discern between medical cases and true possession cases by using his higher insight, spiritual powers, intuition, energy sensitivity, and the like.

I learned firsthand that this universe is based on very precise mechanisms and that things do not just happen by chance, even though it may seem that way to ordinary people. The reason why a person becomes possessed is because of the mechanism of Resonance. It means that the person and the lower spirits have something in common, usually it's a limiting vibrational belief or more, such as anger, greed, ego, lust for power, deep fear, other obsessions, etc. As each belief has a specific frequency or vibration, the lower entities are attracted to these types of people who have the same frequency and try to attach themselves to them. It's the well-known "Like attracts like" mechanism. Ultimately, we shape our reality, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Exorcism, spirit possession, spiritual possession, lower spirits, lower entities, limiting beliefs, entities possession
Spirit possession

A person has by design body energy defenses and can’t be invaded just by any kind of spirit that happens to roam around. Nevertheless, if over a longer time a person stays in lower thoughts and harbors lower vibration beliefs, the beliefs tend to put holes into the energy defenses, the defenses tend to get thinner, and at one point in time the lower entities do find their way through the defenses and get attached to that person’s energies.

I cleansed persons who were possessed in a range of 5%-80% and the experiences were quite different from case to case. The key lesson I learned is that while pushing out the entities is the aim of the exorcism process, preventing them from returning is another even bigger challenge.

The risk of the lower spirits returning is high since that person is the same as before and the reasons the spirits attached to her are still there.

Therefore, I devised a special exorcism process unlike religion or other spiritual traditions that also do an exorcism. I first raise that person’s body vibration aiming to release the main causes that attracted the entities in the first place. I also identify the person’s beliefs that attracted the spirits, and only afterward do I start to push out the lower spirits.

In my experience, about 10-15% of all adults get such entities attached to them over life. If the person realizes that despite medical efforts something is off with him, like he hears voices in his mind, and has all sorts of weird impulses he didn’t have before, he goes from trouble to trouble, he can suspect he's got uninvited entities stuck to him. If he changes for the better, then the entities go away because he released the root beliefs. If not, then he might consider using help to cleanse these uninvited visitors who affect negatively his life.

The ongoing relevance of exorcism

Exorcism, beyond its Hollywood portrayal, holds significant cultural, religious, spiritual, and psychological relevance. Understanding its true purpose and significance allows us to appreciate the spiritual beliefs and practices of different cultures while also recognizing the multitude of physical and spiritual aspects at play.

Whether approached as a religious practice or from a skeptical standpoint, exploring the deeper meanings of exorcism offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between spirituality and mental health. By acknowledging the historical origins, cultural perspectives, and psychological explanations, we can foster a more informed and respectful understanding of exorcism and its impact on individuals and communities.


You can learn more by reading other posts on this spiritual site Body&Soul Ascension Mastery which is coming from a very different and fresh angle than the spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Spiritual Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a full spiritual diagnosis, or go through an Exorcism process to cleanse you out of lower entities that are stuck to you.

You can also attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions of vibration, improve your health, your life path, your understanding of your role in this world, and understand the real causes of what is happening around you.



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