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How to know if your kundalini is truly awakened in you

Updated: Oct 5

Have you been feeling an increased intensity of spiritual energy coursing through your body and wondering if it might be a sign of a Kundalini awakening? This guide will help you learn how to tell if your Kundalini is awakened by looking out for certain physical and mental signs.

Let's explore together and see if you're experiencing this powerful spiritual transformation. This guide comes from my own experiences with Kundalini energy and from observing others I've taught how to manage this energy.

Nature of Kundalini Energy

To figure out if your Kundalini is awakened, you first need to get what Kundalini energy is all about. According to ancient spiritual traditions, Kundalini energy is an old Indian spiritual force believed to be stored at the base of the spine. It can move up through different energy centers in the body called chakras. When fully activated and unblocked, this ancient wisdom can lead to deep insights, clarity, and a heightened state of consciousness.


From my spiritual research on Kundalini energy, I see it not as a mysterious power like Hinduism and yoga suggest, but as a true divine science of energy moving through Creation. It's actually Mother Earth's energy that rises up the spine and eventually merges with cosmic energy at the crown chakra. Our bodies are designed to be perfect conduits for this Earth's energy merging with higher cosmic energies throughout us. For this Kundalini ascension to happen, one needs to become "enlightened," meaning keeping the chakras open and free from any 3D energies that block them, like fears, worries, anxiety, agitation, envy, etc. Only then can one unite with the rest of Creation.

Kundalini awakening signs, Kundalini energy, kundalini rising,
Kundalini awakening signs

Understanding the symptoms and implications of a Kundalini awakening is quite intricate and involves various factors on multiple levels, as I've detailed in another post. Here, I'll focus on the main categories of easily noticeable factors.


To know if your Kundalini is awakening, pay attention to your 1) bodily sensations, 2) psychological state, 3) emotions, and 4) spiritual experiences.


Some signs that your Kundalini energy might be awakening include: 

  • A tingling sensation at the base of your spine that moves upward, often accompanied by a feeling of heat or energy.

  • Experiencing visions.

  • Heightened sensitivity.

  • A strong sense of intuition.

  • Feeling overwhelmed or uneasy during the process.


If these sensations intensify over time, it could indicate a Kundalini awakening. However, it's wise to get medical checks to rule out any health issues first. Once you're sure it's not a medical condition, you can explore the possibility of a Kundalini awakening.


Everyone's experience can be different, but you can expect at least one of these signs. The stages of Kundalini awakening also vary from person to person but generally affect your mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Uncover the Physical Symptoms of Awakening

Kundalini awakening often comes with physical symptoms known as Kriyas (a Sanskrit term). These can include sensations like heat, trembling, shaking, and spontaneous body movements. You might also feel tingling along your spine and in your limbs, sometimes described as electricity flowing through your body.

Emotionally, you may experience intense feelings and mental clarity. Kriyas are linked to physical and energetic changes, though their intensity can vary based on your body type and energy makeup. Some people might barely notice them, while others feel them strongly. To determine if your Kundalini is awakening, pay attention to your physical and psychological sensations during meditation or exercise and see if they match known Kriya descriptions.

Common physical signs of Kundalini awakening include:

  • Occasional limb trembling or shaking

  • Heat and warmth, especially near the spine

  • Jerking back muscles

  • Pains in the tailbone and coccyx

  • Spontaneous breathing patterns

  • Changes in diet and nutrition

  • Altered sleep patterns

These sensations can be either pleasant or uncomfortable but usually intensify until they peak. Kundalini awakening often feels like being filled with a powerful, creative force that elevates your spiritual awareness.

If you notice these changes during meditation or exercise, it's likely you're experiencing Kundalini symptoms or an awakened state. Other potential symptoms include heightened intuition and faster manifestation of desires, although these are harder to measure.

In some cases, people may feel their entire body shaking. More intense symptoms like nausea, muscle spasms, and rigidity can also occur as the Kundalini energy moves through different chakras. These physical experiences are often linked to transforming old, dormant energies into higher states of consciousness.

Kundalini-induced Mental and Emotional States

A major sign that your Kundalini might be awakening is noticing positive changes in your mental and emotional well-being. For example, if you experience heightened clarity and enhanced deep or creative thinking, it could indicate that your Kundalini is active.

Other signs of an awakened Kundalini include:

  • heightened empathy,

  • greater self-love and

  • higher levels of confidence

  • changes of mood

  • you may find that your communication with others is more effortless,

  • your ability to make decisions based on intuition rather than logic or reason.

  • the fear and worry you normally experience could be replaced with trust in yourself, your life’s purpose, and the universe.

  • increased insight and clarity of thought.

  • the feeling of being overwhelmed

Emotionally and mentally, you might feel a strong urge or inspiration to act on your new ideas, often because you want to connect more deeply with your true purpose.

Sometimes, folks start having powerful dreams or visions that offer inner wisdom, guiding them toward better self-understanding.

Spiritual signs

When it comes to signs of a kundalini awakening, you might notice moments of profound insight or a strong sense of spiritual connection, almost like you're accessing a higher consciousness. This can show up as bursts of intuition or a sudden link to deeper spiritual wisdom.

Additionally, if you feel a compelling urge to pursue your soul's purpose, this could be another sign of your Kundalini energy awakening.

Other spiritual signs of a genuine kundalini awakening might include:

  • Awareness of internal energies, intuition, and inner truth

  • Increased compassion

  • Experiencing synchronicities or even miracles

  • Feeling more connected to higher vibrations

  • A strong sense of purpose and destiny

It's always a good idea to seek advice from experienced professionals to help determine if these experiences are related to active Kundalini energy or something else entirely.

Failed kundalini awakenings

 From my experience as a spiritual guide, I've seen quite a few cases where kundalini awakenings didn't go as planned. The process can start but then get derailed for various reasons. So, it's tough to confirm the signs without some expert help. For example, some pains might be normal, but they could also signal a failed kundalini awakening, in which case the pains will persist and need immediate attention.


The potential dangers of a kundalini awakening shouldn't be underestimated. They can lead to severe and long-lasting pain, mental health issues, disruption of the body's energy fields, and even possession by low entities, which often requires an exorcism or spirit clearing process.


There isn't a definitive list of signs indicating a Kundalini awakening. The experience can vary greatly from person to person. Some might go through emotional upheavals, ego death, identity crises, a yearning for spiritual growth, or even perceive energy. The possibilities are endless.


A successful Kundalini awakening typically raises your body's vibration, aligns you with your life's optimal path, and enhances your spiritual growth.


Since everyone's journey is unique, the signs they notice will differ. However, physical and emotional reactions are often more noticeable than the spiritual ones.


If you're unsure about your Kundalini awakening or whether it's progressing correctly, you might consider a high-level spiritual diagnosis to check on it and other spiritual aspects.



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