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Signs and effects of a Kundalini awakening

Updated: Aug 18

People have been pondering the symptoms of kundalini activation for ages, leading to a variety of perspectives. In Hinduism and yoga, kundalini is often seen as a mysterious life force.

Kundalini awakening happens when you successfully activate your kundalini energy. But how can you tell if you're actually on the right track to awakening it?

But from my spiritual research, I've come to believe that this life force is actually the energy of Mother Earth, which supports all living things. As you explore this topic further, you'll get a deeper understanding of this vital energy that influences our lives.

What are Kundalini awakening and Kundalini rising

From my spiritual journey, where I tapped into my heightened perception and connected the energies of Mother Earth with those in the human body, I've reached some solid conclusions. I even cross-checked these insights with other advanced souls who can also see these energies, so I'm confident in sharing what I've found.

Before diving into the symptoms of kundalini, let me give you a quick rundown of what causes them: kundalini energy, kundalini awakening, spiritual awakening, and kundalini rising.

I found that Kundalini is actually Earth's vital energy that travels up the Sushumna channel along the spine, passing through all the chakras from the root to the crown. Since we're in a 3D vibration world, which is relatively low in vibration, our chakras are only open about 1-10%. The root chakra, on average, is just 4-5% open, indicating a weak connection with Mother Earth, who sustains life in our bodies. This also explains why the average human lifespan isn't very long

kundalini activation, kundalini awakening, kundalini rising, spiritual awakening, kundalini symptoms
Kundalini awakening symptoms and implications

Don't confuse kundalini activation with kundalini ascension; they're related but not the same. To clarify, awareness, which indicates a certain level of consciousness, is more about the soul and mind, whereas kundalini is tied to body energy. Sadly, over the years, Hinduism, Buddhism, and yoga have been muddled with mysticism and confusion, often leading to dogma and a lack of understanding of how higher energy really flows through Creation, including our bodies.

Put simply, a kundalini awakening or activation is a form of energetic awakening that causes us to transform on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term meaning "she who is coiled," referring to the primal life force energy at the base of the spine, often symbolized as a snake. When this energy awakens, it moves up through the body's energy centers (chakras) to the crown chakra, triggering higher consciousness. This heightened awareness leads to a deeper understanding of one's soul, life purpose, and the nature of reality.

A Kundalini awakening means that a person starts to realize there's more beyond their five senses and often begins a spiritual practice, like meditation. As they progress, the Kundalini energy gets activated in the root chakra, reconnecting them with Earth's energies. With increased conscious awareness, they channel more energy into their root chakra.

A true kundalini awakening is the result of a process actually, that takes time and effort. It doesn’t just occur suddenly without reason, it’s the outcome of this process. True that by rare exception it can awake wildly if certain factors are met, but when it happens since the awakening was not intended and followed organically by a specific practice, some trouble can arise.

The next step in the journey is Kundalini ascension, where the kundalini energy moves up through the previously opened chakras to reach the 7th chakra and connect with cosmic energy. As this happens, the person's soul also becomes more aware, reaching the vibration of the 7th chakra, which signifies enlightenment.

Kundalini awakening vs. spiritual awakening

I've noticed that people often mix up kundalini awakening and spiritual awakening, but they're not the same thing. Spiritual awakening (or spiritual ascension) is about gaining a deeper spiritual understanding and is often accompanied by emotional and psychological experiences.

Kundalini awakening, however, is more about the body's energies. It's an increasing energy flow that starts from the root chakra and moves up the spine. This energy can be gentle and gradual or sudden and intense.

Usually, kundalini awakening happens after someone has had a spiritual awakening, but that's not always the case. It can also be triggered by things like psychedelic drugs, sexual experiences, traumatic events, or a shaktipat energy transmission.

One key difference is that kundalini energy is experienced very physically, while spiritual awakening tends to be more about the mind and heart and feels more connected to everything around you. Spiritual awakening often involves deep questioning, insights, and transformation, whereas kundalini awakening can come with intense body vibrations and heat. So, the signs of kundalini awakening and spiritual awakening are quite distinct.

Kundalini awakening symptoms

The symptoms of a kundalini awakening can be divided into primary and secondary ones, as you'll see below. These signs can differ greatly from person to person, so don't expect a one-size-fits-all experience. Sometimes, the signs of a kundalini awakening can be subtle and might even be mistaken for health issues. It's best to consult with a knowledgeable guide to help confirm them for you.

Kundalini awakening symptoms can provide clues about whether you're starting to see the benefits of your spiritual practices. They can be tricky to identify, so it's a good idea to seek advice from someone more experienced before making any conclusions that could shape your spiritual journey.

Main kundalini awakening symptoms

As you progress, if the chakras above the root chakra open correctly and in the right order, you might experience signs of kundalini rising through the chakras, which aligns with more chakras opening up. The symptoms of awakened kundalini are many and can differ greatly. Here are some of the most common ones I've seen in my experience as a spiritual guide.

To unclog his chakras, to open the way for kundalini to rise, one needs first and foremost to release his limiting beliefs. The ascension kundalini symptoms are many and diverse so I give you here the most widespread. You will find included both physical symptoms of kundalini awakening, and energy symptoms.

The main symptoms or signs of a kundalini awakening include:

  • Generally feeling more peaceful inside

  • Having fewer fears

  • Feeling detached from daily events, especially the mundane ones that used to take a lot of your attention and energy

  • Feeling more balanced than before

  • Feeling more energetic

  • Being less attached to material things

  • Balancing your masculine and feminine aspects, not just one-sided

  • Experiencing pleasurable sensations throughout your body

  • Feeling intense grief for the planet and all suffering beings

  • Being inspired to make big, life-changing decisions and authentic changes

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of the causes of reality around us

  • Increasing empathic abilities, feeling everything more deeply

  • Connecting more easily with your soul and spiritual guides

  • Tapping into past life experiences or even those of other people

The above kundalini awakening symptoms are some main examples of such signs, but other types can occur. At the same time, the above symptoms can be experienced also after a successful shaktipat initiation, so they constitute also shaktipat symptoms.

Another aspect worth mentioning is that these symptoms are a mix of kundalini physical symptoms with mental and energy symptoms. which are both parts of a kundalini awakening. From my own experience and of my students, these kundalini arousal symptoms are mostly discreet at the beginning and tend to be cumulative over time, hence only when they reach a threshold do you start to really feel them fully.

Often, these symptoms are mistaken for kundalini ascension signs, but that's only partly accurate in my experience. It's important to view the signs of awakening kundalini within the broader context of a person's overall health, spiritual journey, progress, external influences, emotional balance, and more.

There are also specific cases, like twin flames and soulmates, that have unique aspects. For example, you can read about kundalini awakening symptoms in twin flame relationships in another post. There, you'll find a list of symptoms and concepts specific to these cases, such as kundalini rising in twin flames, twin flame kundalini energy, and more.

Secondary awakening symptoms or

"dark kundalini awakening symptoms"

In addition to the main awakening symptoms, you might also experience some secondary ones that aren't as pleasant, such as:

  • Occasional intense shivers, thrills, and body shaking from energy moving through you.

  • Trouble sleeping properly.

  • Your nervous system becoming hypersensitive to external stressors like loud noises, bright lights, TV violence, and EM fields, making you crave peace and solitude.

  • Difficulty distinguishing reality from imagination (psychosis tendencies) and feeling like you're going crazy.

  • Visual disturbances, like objects seeming to vibrate, that can be alarming.

  • Intense heat, vibrations, or electricity surging through your body.

  • Feeling shattered or fragmented, like you have no center.

  • Alternating between manic, exuberant energy and chronic fatigue.

  • Frequent lucid dreams.

  • Feeling raw and extremely vulnerable.

  • Seeing lights or hearing music that isn't there.

  • Developing a Savior Complex.

  • Out-of-body experiences where you might connect with your soul.

  • Changes in vision and hearing.

  • Panic attacks and feelings of terror.

  • Strange food cravings or aversions.

  • Developing undiagnosable physical symptoms, which might show up as autoimmune conditions, digestive issues, nausea, etc.

Sometimes, these secondary kundalini symptoms are also referred to as dark kundalini awakening symptoms or symptoms of the kundalini dark night of the soul. The list of kundalini symptoms mentioned above shouldn't be confused with illness symptoms. It's important to consult a doctor first, and if no health issues are found, then you should consider seeking advice from a knowledgeable spiritual guide to determine if the symptoms are truly related to a kundalini awakening.

It's crucial not to confuse kundalini awakening symptoms with energy surges that can happen to anyone under certain conditions. Many people who have a bit of knowledge about spirituality might think they've reached enlightenment just because they experienced an energy surge, but that's not the case. Energy surges are temporary and don't result in any lasting change. Enthusiastic but inexperienced spiritual seekers can easily mistake these surges for genuine kundalini awakening symptoms.

What is a failed Kundalini awakening

In my healing practice, I often see people with various symptoms like intense head pressure, feeling off-balance, or even hearing voices. These folks usually have already seen doctors who found nothing wrong. They often mention having a "kundalini awakening" after some spiritual practices. From my experience, kundalini awakening symptoms can be pretty tricky to identify, so I recommend finding a good spiritual guide. It's already tough to figure out the true causes of these symptoms, and it gets even harder when you add in kundalini rising symptoms. Some specific root chakra symptoms could even signal a health issue that hasn't shown up physically yet.

When I spiritually scan persons that stated they had a failed kundalini awakening, many times I find they actually have their body energy fields shattered, got holes in them, many lost access to Earth's energy, and in some cases even got lower vibration entities stuck to their body energy fields, a situation called partial possession; I then struggle to clean them, and it takes time and effort.

If someone is experiencing secondary symptoms without the main ones over a long period, and these turn into real health problems like energy-head pressure or dizziness, I suggest they first see a doctor. If medical tests don't show anything, then consult a skilled energy healer to check their body energy fields. Don't just assume they've had a kundalini awakening and are on the path to enlightenment! This is often referred to as a dark kundalini awakening.


If you're on your spiritual journey and aiming to make progress, it's important to stay grounded and keep tabs on your actual health and status. Regular medical check-ups are a good idea. Also, consider getting a spiritual reading or energy diagnosis from a trusted higher soul or spiritual healer to see where you stand. This way, you can get feedback and know if you're on the right track, avoiding any self-delusion.

Kundalini rising, awakening, or any spiritual awakening symptoms can be easily misunderstood without expert help. Be cautious about interpreting kundalini experiences without confirmation from reliable sources. Don't jump to conclusions based solely on your feelings. Be careful about practicing techniques from books without proper guidance; they might work for some but not necessarily for you. Advanced spiritual discernment is needed to figure out which practices are beneficial and which might be harmful.


You can learn more by reading other posts on this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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