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The Science of Kundalini Awakening and Its Link to Spiritual Growth

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

The ancient Vedic texts mentioned the Kundalini energy as a powerful energy taking the shape of a snake and coiled in the root chakra (Muladhara). This energy is associated with the divine feminine energy Shakti seen as primordial energy, the Creation energy out of which all things arise.

Although the concepts and terms surrounding this energy are ancient and predate the scientific method, my extensive spiritual research has allowed me to observe the souls and body energies of many people over many years. In this text, I'm going to explain Kundalini energy and how it nourishes and sustains life in our bodies based on my spiritual research. I've verified these results over 20 years with many clients and students that I guide, as well as with other experts in this subject.

What I have found in my research is that the movement of the Kundalini energy is rigorous and truly a science, except that it belongs to higher dimensions of vibration that require researchers who have also reached a minimum level of soul and body awareness. From this point of view, it confirms what quantum mechanics has long said, that "the observer influences the result of the experiment".

Spiritual awakening, Kundalini awakening, and kundalini rising

Spiritual awakening is the general term for spiritual evolution that includes kundalini awakening. Along with spiritual awakening, once it goes beyond the beginning stages, the kundalini energy awakens and then starts to rise into the Sushumna channel. 

Spiritual awakening is a stage that is part of spiritual growth, which includes Kundalini awakening. Along with spiritual awakening, the Kundalini energy awakens once it has passed the initial stages and then begins to rise into the Sushumna channel.

Science says the human body is primarily composed of four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, which account for over 95% of its composition. Additionally, small amounts of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur are present. These elements form an energy-based instrument, the body, which allows us to experience and experiment with life.

When the body is worn out after 70-80 years of life, the soul leaves the body (death) and moves on to another life, carrying the experiences gained into the next life. Sustaining life for an extended period requires a significant amount of energy. This energy is derived from both food and drink, as well as directly from the Earth through the energy it emits to all living beings, including humans.

kundalini science, kundalini awakening, kundalini rising, spiritual awakening, spiritual growth
What is the science behind awakening Kundalini

Life-sustaining energy coming from Earth flows through the soles of our feet and up to the root chakra, where it feeds the energy reservoir there. This vital connection between the planet and the human body must function continuously to prevent quick death.

Kundalini is the root energy in Hinduism and Yoga, and it is actually the life force of Mother Earth that sustains all living beings. The Kundalini energy located in the root chakra is a manifestation of Mother Earth in our bodies, a projection of Her in our bodies.

Ideally, by initial design, the Kundalini energy rises up the Sushumna channel along the spine, through all the chakras (increasing its vibration as it travels), unimpeded and nourishing the body's organs around it, and when it reaches the crown chakra it unites with the cosmic energy coming from above.

The Kundalini energy is designed to rise up the Sushumna channel along the spine, through all the chakras increasing its vibration as it travels, and nourishing the body's organs along its way. Upon reaching the crown chakra, it unites with the cosmic energy from above. This is the ideal case which unfortunately occurs very rarely in practice.

The Kundalini energy and its movement in the Human Body

This doesn't happen in ordinary 3D human bodies where the chakras are blocked and the Kundalini cannot rise. Things are actually a little more complicated because there are two different circuits of energy running in parallel, one is the Kundalini circuit that goes up the spine and there is a second circuit of energy (the Front Channel). This energy circuit comes from the Sun and Cosmic Energy through the crown chakra and going down to the root chakra, in a parallel circuit to the ascending one through the chakras. However, I will focus this discussion on the Kundalini energy ascending through the chakras.

Regarding the Kundalini Awakening, the result is that Mother Earth's energy (Kundalini energy) starts to rise up the spine and eventually merges with the cosmic energy in the crown chakra, so our body ideally becomes a physical conduit for the Earth's energy to merge with the higher cosmic energies throughout our body. To achieve Kundalini Ascension, you must attain Enlightenment by keeping your chakras open and free of 3D energies such as fear, worry, anxiety, restlessness, and envy. Only then can you unite with the universe.

In ancient times, there was no formal science of Kundalini, but through empirical knowledge and divine inspiration received through revelation some spirituals came to some understanding of how it works. Even spiritual masters, including the enlightened ones, did not possess an advanced understanding of the universal mechanisms behind the Kundalini energy movement through the universe.

That's why the ancient Hindu religious term for the Earth's energy was "Kundalini Shakti", and it was said in the sacred texts that it was destined to rise through the Sushumna channel until it merged with the god Shiva in the 6th chakra (which actually represents the cosmic energy). If you pay attention, this is exactly what I have explained to you above, but in modern terms.

The ancient Hindu religious term for the Earth's energy was 'Kundalini Shakti'. It was said in the sacred texts that it rises through the Sushumna channel until it merges with the god Shiva in the 6th chakra, which actually represents cosmic energy. This aligns with the modern explanation I provided earlier.

A true spiritual will work all his life to unclog his chakras and make kundalini find its way up.


You can learn more by reading other posts on this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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