It's not always easy to tell the difference between a kundalini awakening and heightened awareness. Both affect not just your soul's awareness but also your body's energies. When it comes to body energies, kundalini is the driving force behind this rise in vibration. It first awakens and then moves through the chakras toward the crown chakra, elevating your body energies to a whole new level along the way.
What I share with you is coming from my own spiritual practice and not from some books or other sources. I also checked my findings with other advanced spiritual practitoners who reached high levels of spiritual awareness.
What is Kundalini energy actually?
First things first, let's understand what kundalini energy really is. In ancient spiritual traditions like Hinduism and yoga, kundalini is often called a "mysterious lifeforce." However, I found that this lifeforce is actually the energy of Mother Earth that keeps us all alive.
So, kundalini is essentially Earth's vital force that rises through the Sushumna energy channel along the spine, passing through all the chakras from the root to the crown. Since we live in a 3D vibration world, which is relatively low in vibration, our chakras are only open about 1-5%. The root chakra, in particular, is open on average just 4-5%, meaning our connection with Mother Earth, which sustains life in our bodies, is quite weak. This also explains why the average human lifespan isn't very long.

Don't mix up spiritual awareness with kundalini awakening—they're not the same thing! They're connected, but different. Spiritual or soul awareness focuses more on the soul and mind, whereas kundalini energy is linked to the body's energy fields. Unfortunately, over time, spirituality has gotten tangled up with mysticism and confusion, which has led to dogma and a lack of clarity about how higher energy actually moves through Creation and our bodies.
How to open correctly one's chakras
A genuine kundalini awakening involves the energy in your root chakra to build up. When reaching a certain point the process shifts to kundalini rising when the energy starts gradually rising in an orderly way, without falling back. It's a process that takes time and effort—it doesn't just happen out of the blue. This process builds up energy in the root chakra and then sequentially opens other chakras: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on, allowing the Kundalini to rise. If for instance you start to open the 4th and 5th chakras (heart and throat chakras) first it can throw the whole chakra system off balance. This might lead to issues like pain and a general sense of imbalance because the 2nd and 3rd chakras are still blocked.
If the chakras are opened properly and in the right order, you might experience symptoms of kundalini rising through them. Common signs of kundalini awakening include feeling more peaceful inside, having fewer fears, feeling more balanced, being less attached to material things, balancing your masculine and feminine sides, and improving communication with others, nature, and animals. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of reality, connect more easily with your soul and guides, and so on.
To clear your chakras and allow kundalini to rise, you need to let go of your limiting beliefs first and foremost.
There are also secondary symptoms like occasional shivers or thrills due to the energy moving through your body. It's important not to confuse these with energy surges that can happen to anyone under certain circumstances. Many people who know a bit about spirituality might think they've reached enlightenment after experiencing these surges, but they come and go, leaving you the same as before.

Confusion between true awakening and energy issues
In my healing practice, I often see people with various symptoms like intense head pressure, feeling off-balance, or even hearing voices. They've usually been to doctors who found nothing wrong after doing medical scans. They tell me they believe they have kundalini head pressure from a kundalini awakening after doing some spiritual practices. When I check them out, I often find their energy fields are shattered, with holes in them, and many have lost their connection to Earth's energy.
Some even have lower vibration entities stuck in their energy fields, which is known as partial possession. Cleaning them out is a challenging process that takes time and effort. These kundalini symptoms can be tricky to link to their real causes, and it takes a skilled spiritual guide to do so.
If someone has spiritual experiences and starts thinking they might be the next Saviour after reading a lot about spirituality, I suggest they first stay humble. Then, they should check with trusted higher souls to see if it’s true, to avoid self-delusion. It's normal to experience things like kundalini head pressure during the kundalini energy rise and soul growth process, but it's manageable, especially with a competent spiritual guide. Below, you'll find links to a Psychic Readings section, including a free option, where I can help you check your soul awareness and body energy status for free.
Also, keep in mind that awakening is not Enlightenment, awakening is just realizing deeply that something might be beyond the reality of your five senses, that’s all. It's just the first step on a long journey that lies ahead.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.